Georgy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You should see the same output messages about Liza and Georgy from the server and console output , respectively , as you saw when you ran the Axis Web service 's client .
- 应该会看到分别来自服务器和控制台的关于Liza和Georgy的输出消息,这些消息与在运行AxisWeb服务的客户端时看到的输出消息相同。
- Together with Marshal Georgy Zhukov 's First Byelorussian Front , Koniev had launched the great attack on April16 that resulted in the fall of Berlin and Soviet victory on the Eastern Front .
- Koniev联合朱可夫(Zhukov)指挥的白俄罗斯第一方面军,于4月16日发起了一次大规模攻势,为最终攻占柏林以及苏军在东线的最终胜利奠定了坚实了基础。
- Another former soldier , Anatoly Tomin , a senior adjutant for Marshal Georgy Zhukov , remembers 1937 , too .
- 另一个退休士兵AnatolyTomin是GeorgyZhukov元帅的高级副官,他也铭记着1937年。
- A similar account of the polymetallic sulphides of the Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean was presented by Dr. Georgy Cherkashov .
- 同样,GeorgyCherkashov博士也介绍了赤道大西洋和南大西洋的多金属硫化物情况。
- Georgy Porgy was a naughty boy .
- 乔治是个调皮的男孩。
- We remember Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov , commander for the Battle of Moscow , the Battle of Leningrad , the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Berlin .
- 我们铭记格奥尔基-康斯坦丁诺维奇-朱可夫元帅。莫斯科战役、列宁格勒战役、斯大林格勒战役和柏林战役的指挥者。