

demo 变化形式
复数: demos
易混淆的单词: DeMoDEMODemo
demo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He even offered to personally demo the service for eagles singer don henley .
- 他甚至还提出亲自为老鹰乐队的歌手亨利(donhenley)演示这项服务。
- During the demo I was shown , the company 's engine worked as advertised .
- 在给我展示的演示版中,该公司的引擎如其所宣传那样地工作。
- The source demo video says it supports hd resolution , but we find that claim dubious .
- 这一消息发布源的演示视频称它支持高清分辨率,但我们对此宣传持怀疑态度。
- That project ended up becoming open library and a demo version is now up at demo.openlibrary.org .
- 这个项目最终变成了一个开放式的图书馆现在的一个演示版本在demo.openlibrary.org。
- I spent an hour or so using the c5 demo to get familiarized with how the system worked .
- 我花了大约一个小时的时间试用了一下c5的演示站点,以便熟悉这个系统是如何工作的。
- See the following demo for example .
- 可以参考下面的演示。
- You can sign up or try the demo here .
- 你可以注册或尝试演示。
- Brushing and flossing : an animated demo
- 如何刷牙和使用牙线的演示
- Most of the more drool-worthy goodies are , of course , only in the prototype or demo stages right now .
- 当然,会上大部分的这些令人痴迷的商品在现在看来还只是存在于照片上或者是样品演示。
- The probability of a flawless demo is inversely proportional to the number of people watching , raised to the power of the amount of money involved .
- 一个演示版的程序完美无瑕的几率和关注它的人数成反比,最终要花费的金钱的数量是原数量的平方。