wman 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Services in Broadband WMAN
- 一种适用于宽带无线城域网实时业务的分组调度算法
- Air interface protocols of WMAN ( Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ), which support multimedia services , are defined in 802.16 protocols .
- 802.16协议定义了支持多媒体业务的无线城域网(WMAN,WirelessMetropolitanAreaNetwork)空中接口协议。
- Shaping WMAN on the Basis of IEEE 802.20
- 基于IEEE802.20标准构建无线城域网
- As an important part of future communication technologies , the Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ( WMAN ) access technology has gained an increasing interest .
- 作为未来通信技术的重要组成部分,无线城域网(WMAN)接入技术受到了业界越来越多的关注。
- Double - binary Turbo code is one of the FEC methods for multi - carrier OFDM physical layer of 802.16 standard which supports the WMAN .
- 双二元Turbo码(double-binaryTurbocode)是支持无线城域网(WMAN)的802.16d标准中多载波OFDM系统物理层采用的前向纠错码方案之一。
- In the future OFDM technology , which is one of the most competitive technologies , will be applied to the Beyond 3C / 4C wireless cellular communication system and WMAN , etc.
- 在未来的B3G/4G无线蜂窝通信系统和无线城域网等方面,OFDM技术是最具有优势的技术之一。
- Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ( WMAN ) is faced with some security risks . Privacy sub-layer is defined in IEEE 802.16 to achieve identity authentication , key management and data protection .
- 无线城域网(WMAN)面临着各种安全威胁,其规范IEEE802.16中定义了保密子层实现认证、密钥协商与数据保密。
- As a competitive technology of the next generation of wireless network , Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ( WMAN ) has taken the problem of providing QoS guarantees to different applications into consideration .
- 无线城域网技术作为有竞争力的下一代无线网络技术,已经把对多种业务提供QoS支持的问题提上了日程。
- WiMAX , based on the standard of wireless metropolitan area network ( WMAN ), have broad application prospects and can provide high-speed data , voice and video services both in fixed and mobile environments .
- 当前,支持宽带无线接入的WiMAX技术受到业界普遍关注,它基于无线城域网(WMAN)标准,可以在固定或移动的环境下提供高速的数据、语音和视频等业务,具有广阔的应用前景。
- As a broadband wireless access scheme for WMAN ( Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks ), WiMAX ( World Interoperability for Microwave Access ) has received primary concern because of its outstanding system performance and wide market outlook .
- WiMAX作为一种面向无线城域网(WMAN)的宽带接入方案,以其优异的性能和广阔的市场前景而倍受关注。