


Hitler 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hitler himself has the gift of capturing audiences .
- 希特勒自己具有调动听众情绪的魅力。
- They praise hitler 's devotion to ethnic purity .
- 他们崇拜希特勒对种族纯化所做的贡献。
- Adolf hitler began his long march to infamy .
- 阿道夫希特勒开始走向他遗臭万年的漫长历程。
- Hitler 's rise brought yet more fascination .
- 希特勒的崛起益发给德国带来了更多的魅力。
- It 's further proof that hitler was barking mad .
- 这篇文章进一步证明了希特勒疯狂到极点。
- Did you know volkswagen was hitler 's idea ?
- 你知道德国大众的商标创意是来自希特勒吗?
- If hitler just stuck to inspiring delicious snack cakes .
- 如果希特勒坚持要通过这种零食来灌输思想。
- With german war propaganda hitler was thoroughly dissatisfied .
- 对于德国战时的宣传,希特勒大为不满。
- Hitler can rightly be criticised for his many disastrous mistakes .
- 希特勒当然可以被指责犯过许多重大错误。
- Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit .
- 希特勒害怕银行以及所有新奇的控制信贷的思想。