
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-22  


1. Pass the test/examination

   - 例句:I hope I can pass the test next week.

   - 翻译:我希望下周能通过考试。

2. Get through

   - 例句:We managed to get through the tough times.

   - 翻译:我们设法度过了艰难时期。

3. Make it through

   - 例句:She made it through the interview and got the job.

   - 翻译:她通过了面试并得到了这份工作。

4. Come through

   - 例句:The company came through the crisis successfully.

   - 翻译:公司成功度过了危机。

5. Clear the hurdle

   - 例句:He cleared the hurdle and moved on to the next round of the competition.

   - 翻译:他通过了障碍,进入了下一轮比赛。

6. Overcome the challenge

   - 例句:We need to overcome the challenge and find a solution.

   - 翻译:我们需要克服挑战并找到解决方案。

7. Succeed in

   - 例句:She succeeded in her efforts to climb the mountain.

   - 翻译:她成功地努力攀登了这座山。

8. Navigate through

   - 例句:The ship navigated through the storm and reached the port safely.

   - 翻译:船只安全地穿过暴风雨,抵达了港口。

9. Survive

   - 例句:The plant survived the harsh winter.

   - 翻译:这株植物在严寒的冬天存活了下来。

10. Go through

    - 例句:We have to go through the security check before boarding the plane.

    - 翻译:我们必须在登机前通过安检。
