
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-13  



Bike - 自行车

Pedal - 踏板

Handlebar - 手把

Wheel - 轮子

Brake - 刹车

Chain - 链条

Gear - 齿轮

Saddle - 鞍座

Frame - 车架

Helmet - 头盔

Ride - 骑行

Balance - 平衡

Coasting - 惯性滑行

Steering - 转向

Speed - 速度

Freewheel - 自由轮

Kickstand - 支架

Tire - 轮胎


The Joy of Cycling

In the modern world, where the hustle and bustle of life often leaves us gasping for breath, cycling offers a refreshing break from the monotony. It is not just a means of transportation but a way to connect with nature, enjoy the outdoors, and stay fit.


Cycling is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It improves cardiovascular health, increases stamina, and tones muscles without causing excessive stress on the body. Whether you're cycling through the city or along a country trail, the sense of freedom and exhilaration is unparalleled.


Moreover, cycling is an eco-friendly option that significantly reduces our carbon footprint. As we pedal along, we contribute to a cleaner and greener environment. With the rise of shared bikes, cycling has become more accessible and popular, making it a sustainable choice for both individuals and cities.


In conclusion, cycling is more than just riding a bike; it's a lifestyle choice that promotes health, well-being, and environmental conservation. So, hop on your bike and enjoy the ride!




❶ 骑自行车对健康有好处。Cycling is good for our health.

同类表达 Cycling is a good way for exercise. 骑自行车是一个锻炼的好方法。

Cycling is good aerobic exercise. 骑自行车是很棒的有氧运动。

❷ 我们骑自行车去兜风吧!Let's go for a bike ride!

同类表达 Let's go out for some air! 咱们去兜风吧!

对话 A: Let's go for a bike ride! 我们骑自行车去兜风吧。

B: Good idea. 好主意。

❸ 骑自行车现在很流行。Cycling is quite popular now.

对话 A: What are you going to do this weekend? 你这周末打算干什么?

B: I'm going to cycle. Cycling is quite popular now. 我打算骑车兜风。骑自行车现在很流行。

❹ 这家租车店有提供自行车租借服务。The rental shop offers bike rental service.

对话 A: I don't have a bike. Where can I get one? 我没有自行车。从哪儿能租一辆?

B: The rental shop offers bike rental service. 这家租车店有提供自行车租借服务。

❺ 这条自行车道的风景很漂亮。The scenery of this bike path is beautiful.

对话 A: Do you come here every weekend? 你每周末都来这儿吗?

B: Yes. The scenery of this bike path is beautiful. 是的。这条自行车道的风景很漂亮。

❻ 你可以边骑车边享受海边的景色。You can enjoy the seaside view while cycling.

❼ 上路前,检查一下你的轮胎胎压。Check your bike's tire pressure before you hit the road.

对话 A: Check your bike's tire pressure before you hit the road. 上路前,检查一下你的轮胎胎压。

B: I will. Thank you for your reminding. 我会的。谢谢你的提醒。

❽ 我结识了一些新车友。I met some new cycling friends.

对话 A: I met some new cycling friends. 我结识了一些新车友。

B: That's good. 那很好啊。

❾ 你去参加自行车比赛了吗?Did you join in the bicycle race?

对话 A: Did you join in the bicycle race? 你去参加自行车比赛了吗?

B: I just had other things to deal with last weekend. 我上周末刚好有其他事情要处理。

❿ 长途自行车之旅对我来说是很大的挑战。Long distance rides are a big challenge for me.