英语笑话:The Princess and the Frog 公主与青蛙

英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-20  

The Princess and the Frog

Once upon a time,a beautiful,independent,self-assured princess happened upon a frog in a pond. The frog said to the princess,“I was once a handsome prince until an evil witch put a spell on me. One kiss from you and I will turn back into a prince and then we can marry,move into the castle with my mom,and you can hold down a full time job,prepare my meals,clean my clothes,bear my children and forever feel happy doing so.”

That night,while the princess dined on frog legs,she laughed to herself and said,“I don’t freaking think so!!”





1.beautiful - 美丽的

2.independent - 独立的

3.self-assured - 自信的

4.princess - 公主

5.pond - 池塘

6.frog - 青蛙

7.spell - 咒语

8.kiss - 吻

9.handsome - 英俊的

10.prince - 王子

11.marry - 结婚

12.castle - 城堡

13.mom - 妈妈

14.full-time job - 全职工作

15.prepare - 准备

16.meals - 餐点

17.clean - 清洁

18.clothes - 衣服

19.bear - 生育

20.children - 孩子

21.forever - 永远

22.happy - 快乐的

23.dined - 进餐

24.frog legs - 青蛙腿

25.laughed - 笑

26.freaking - 非常的

27.think - 认为

28.so - 这样