
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-29  



- Internet: 互联网

- Network: 网络

- LAN (Local Area Network): 局域网

- WAN (Wide Area Network): 广域网

- Wi-Fi: 无线网络

- Router: 路由器

- Modem: 调制解调器

- Firewall: 防火墙

- IP Address: IP地址

- Cybersecurity: 网络安全

- Bandwidth: 带宽

- Server: 服务器

- Domain Name: 域名

- Web Browser: 网络浏览器

- Social Media: 社交媒体

- Cloud Computing: 云计算

- VPN (Virtual Private Network): 虚拟私人网络


A: I'm having trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi. Can you help me?

A: 我连接不上无线网络,你能帮我吗?

B: Sure, let's check if the router is working properly.

B: 当然,我们先检查一下路由器是否正常工作。

A: I've tried restarting it, but it's still not working.

A: 我尝试过重启了,但仍然不行。

B: Have you checked the modem? Sometimes it needs a reboot too.

B: 你检查过调制解调器了吗?有时候它也需要重启。

A: I didn't think about that. Let me try resetting the modem.

A: 我没想到这个。让我试试重置调制解调器。

B: While you're at it, make sure your device's Wi-Fi is turned on.

B: 同时,确保你的设备的无线网络是开启的。

A: It's on, and now I can see the Wi-Fi signal. Thanks for your help!

A: 开着呢,现在我能看到无线信号了。谢谢你的帮助!

B: No problem. If you have any other issues, feel free to ask.

B: 没问题。如果有其他问题,随时问我。


❶ 网络将我们孤立开来。Networks isolate us from one another.

对话 A: What do you think about the networks? 你怎么看待网络?

B: People can't live without the networks. 人们没有网络就不能活。

A: Yes, but networks isolate us from one another. 是的,但是网络将我们孤立开来。

❷ 我加入了很多社交网络。I joined many social networks.

对话 A: The social networks are very popular now. 现在社交网络很流行。

B: I joined many social networks. 我加入了很多社交网络。

A: But it wastes us much time. 但是这浪费了我们很多时间。

❸ 我想在脸谱网上删了他。I want to unfriend him on Facebook.

❹ 我网恋了。I've been involved in an online romance.

同类表达 I've been involved with a cyber love.

❺ 我想注册一个微信账号。I want to register a WeChat account.

对话 A: I want to register a WeChat account. 我想注册一个微信账号。

B: What? I have long started using it. 什么?我早就开始用了。

❻ 你有多少关注者?How many followers do you have?

对话 A: How many followers do you have? 你有多少关注者?

B: I don't have any followers. I still need to get the hang of it. 我没有关注者,还在摸索怎么玩呢。

❼ 你在微博上喜欢关注哪类人?What kind of people do you like to follow on Microblog?

同类表达 What kind of events do you follow on Microblog? 你在微博上关注哪类事件?

❽ 不要恶意评论。Don't leave hostile comments.

对话 A: There are more and more hostile comments on the net. 网络上的恶意评论越来越多。

B: Yes, so I don't browse any comments. 是啊,所以我不浏览评论。

A: Don't leave hostile comments. Right? 不要恶意评论,对吧?

❾ 他在游戏里被秒杀了。He was sec killed in a game.

对话 A: What happened? 发生了什么?

B: He was sec killed in a game. 他在游戏里被秒杀了。

A: He is a green hand. 他是一个新手。

❿ 现在很多公共场所都有无线网络。Now there is WiFi in many public places.