
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-18  



  1. Appointment

    • 例句: I have a dentist appointment at 3 PM.

    • 翻译: 我下午3点有一个牙医预约。

  2. Schedule

    • 例句: Please schedule a meeting for next week.

    • 翻译: 请为下周安排一个会议。

  3. Reservation

    • 例句: I made a reservation for two at the restaurant.

    • 翻译: 我在餐厅为两个人预订了座位。

  4. Confirm

    • 例句: Can you confirm our appointment for tomorrow?

    • 翻译: 你能确认我们明天的约会吗?

  5. Postpone

    • 例句: We need to postpone our meeting until next month.

    • 翻译: 我们需要把会议推迟到下个月。

  6. Cancel

    • 例句: I need to cancel my appointment due to a scheduling conflict.

    • 翻译: 因为时间冲突,我需要取消我的预约。

  7. Availability

    • 例句: What is your availability next week?

    • 翻译: 你下周的可用时间是什么?

  8. Time slot

    • 例句: There is a time slot available at 10 AM.

    • 翻译: 上午10点有一个时间段可以预约。

  9. Client

    • 例句: The client has requested an appointment for consultation.

    • 翻译: 客户已要求预约咨询。

  10. Service

    • 例句: The salon offers a variety of beauty services by appointment only.

    • 翻译: 这家美容院提供各种仅限预约的美容服务。

  11. Reminder

    • 例句: I set a reminder for my doctor’s appointment.

    • 翻译: 我为我的医生预约设置了提醒。

  12. Check-in

    • 例句: Please check in at the front desk when you arrive.

    • 翻译: 到达时请在前台登记。

  13. Consultation

    • 例句: I booked a consultation with a financial advisor.

    • 翻译: 我与财务顾问预约了咨询。

  14. Waitlist

    • 例句: I am on the waitlist for an earlier appointment.

    • 翻译: 我在等待更早的预约。

  15. Appointment book

    • 例句: The secretary keeps the appointment book organized.

    • 翻译: 秘书把预约本整理得很有条理。

  16. Patient

    • 例句: The patient arrived for their scheduled appointment.

    • 翻译: 病人按时到达预约的时间。

  17. Schedule an appointment

    • 例句: I need to schedule an appointment with my lawyer.

    • 翻译: 我需要和我的律师预约。

  18. Availability notice

    • 例句: The availability notice will be sent via email.

    • 翻译: 可用时间通知将通过电子邮件发送。

  19. Booking

    • 例句: You can make a booking online for your appointment.

    • 翻译: 你可以在线预约。

  20. Follow-up

    • 例句: A follow-up appointment is necessary after the first visit.

    • 翻译: 第一次就诊后需要进行跟进预约。


Making appointments is an essential part of modern life. Whether it's for a doctor, a job interview, or a restaurant reservation, scheduling a time to meet is crucial for effective time management. Appointments help us organize our days and ensure that we make the most of our time.

In a busy world, it is easy to lose track of time and forget important meetings. That's why many people set reminders on their phones or use apps to keep track of their schedules. Additionally, making appointments can reduce wait times. When we have a set time to meet, we can avoid long lines and unnecessary delays.

Furthermore, appointments often enhance our productivity. By planning ahead, we can allocate our time efficiently and focus on what truly matters. For example, a doctor’s appointment allows us to prioritize our health, while a business meeting can help us advance our careers.

In conclusion, appointments play a vital role in our daily lives. They help us stay organized, reduce stress, and improve our overall efficiency. Embracing the practice of making appointments can lead to a more structured and productive life.






❶ 我想和怀特先生约个时间见面。I'd like to set an appointment with Mr. White.

同类表达 I'd like to make an appointment with your manager. 我想和你们经理预约一下。

❷ 我下周到你办公室谈生意,好吗?Why don't I come by your office next week so we can discuss the deal in person?

同类表达 Would you like to discuss the deal face to face in your office? 我们在你办公室当面谈生意,好吗?

❸ 近期您什么时候最方便见一面?What time would be most convenient for you to meet recently?

同类表达 I'd like to see you at your earliest possible convenience. 我想尽早在您方便的时候与您见面。

❹ 我可以安排一次会面吗?May I schedule an appointment?

同类表达 Could we meet and discuss the matter in detail? 我们可以见个面,详细讨论一下这件事吗?

❺ 需要我帮您安排预约吗?Shall I make the reservation for you?

同类表达 Would you like to make a reservation? 您想预约吗?

Can I set it up now? 现在可以预约吗?

❻ 抱歉,他下周的时间都排满了。Sorry, he has a full schedule next week.

同类表达 He always has a full schedule. 他的时间表一向安排得很满。

❼ 我大概十点过来。I'll stop by around ten.

同类表达 I will arrive around ten. 我大概十点到。

I'll be there about ten. 我大概十点到那里。

❽ 可以约别的时间吗?Could you make it some other time?

同类表达 When will you have time? 你什么时候有时间?

❾ 我们是否可以把会面时间从下午两点推迟到三点?Could we postpone our appointment to 3 p.m. instead of 2 p.m.?

同类表达 I have pressing business to discuss with you. 我有紧急事务和你商议。

❿ 如果我们约定的时间有任何变化的话,我会让你知道的。I'll let you know if there are any changes of our appointed time.

同类表达 We look forward to meeting you then. 我们期待到时与您见面。