
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-16  



doubtI doubt his intentions.我怀疑他的意图。
skepticismHer skepticism about the results was justified.她对结果的怀疑是有道理的。
uncertaintyThere is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this issue.这个问题周围有很多不确定性。
questionI question the validity of this information.我质疑这个信息的有效性。
disbeliefHis disbelief in the system was evident.他对系统的不信任显而易见。
mistrustMistrust can damage relationships.不信任可能会损害关系。
suspicionThere was suspicion about his motives.人们对他的动机产生了怀疑。
incredulityShe looked at him with incredulity.她用怀疑的目光看着他。
uneaseI felt a sense of unease during the meeting.我在会议期间感到一种不安。
uncertaintyThe uncertainty of the outcome is troubling.结果的不确定性令人烦恼。
doubtfulnessThere was a doubtfulness in his voice.他声音中的疑虑。
skepticismHer skepticism helped us reconsider our plans.她的怀疑使我们重新考虑了我们的计划。
hesitationHis hesitation was a sign of his doubt.他的犹豫是他怀疑的迹象。
concernI have some concern about the decision.我对这个决定有一些担忧。
warinessThere was a wariness in her tone.她的语气中带有一丝小心。
apprehensionI felt a sense of apprehension before the test.在考试前我感到一丝担忧。
distrustHis past actions led to widespread distrust.他的过往行为导致了普遍的不信任。
ambiguityThe ambiguity in his answer raised doubts.他回答中的模糊性引发了怀疑。
suspicionThe suspicion grew as more evidence emerged.随着更多证据的出现,怀疑加剧了。
skepticismA healthy skepticism is important in science.健康的怀疑在科学中是很重要的。
doubtI doubt whether she will come.我怀疑她是否会来。
worryI worry about the consequences of this decision.我担心这个决定的后果。
mistrustMistrust can poison friendships.不信任可能会毒害友谊。
uncertaintyThe uncertainty of the weather makes planning difficult.天气的不确定性使得计划变得困难。
hesitationThere was hesitation in his voice as he spoke.他说话时声音中带有犹豫。
concernI have a concern regarding his behavior.我对他的行为有些担忧。
apprehensionThere was a sense of apprehension in the air.空气中弥漫着一种担忧的感觉。
disbeliefHer disbelief was apparent when she heard the news.当她听到这个消息时,她的不信任显而易见。
anxietyHis anxiety about the exam was palpable.他对考试的焦虑是显而易见的。
confusionThe confusion in the instructions led to mistakes.指令中的混乱导致了错误。
reluctanceThere was reluctance to accept the proposal.人们对接受这个提议感到不情愿。
suspicionHis suspicious behavior raised red flags.他可疑的行为引起了警觉。
ambiguityThe ambiguity of the terms led to confusion.条款的不明确导致了混乱。
distrustDistrust can hinder communication.不信任可能会阻碍沟通。
skepticismHis skepticism about the project was warranted.他对这个项目的怀疑是合理的。
apprehensionShe felt a sense of apprehension before the interview.在面试之前,她感到一种不安。
hesitancyHis hesitancy was noticeable during the discussion.在讨论中,他的犹豫是显而易见的。
dubiousHe gave a dubious smile.他露出了怀疑的微笑。
disquietThere was a disquiet about the changes.人们对这些变化感到不安。
fearsHer fears about the future were crippling.她对未来的恐惧让人难以承受。
second guessDon't second guess your decisions too much.不要对你的决定过于怀疑。
insecurityHis insecurity made him question everything.他的不安全感让他质疑一切。
waryBe wary of people who offer something for nothing.要小心那些无偿提供东西的人。
cynicismHis cynicism about politics is well-known.他对政治的愤世嫉俗是众所周知的。
apprehensiveShe was apprehensive about the results.她对结果感到忧虑。
misgivingsHe had misgivings about the merger.他对这次合并心存疑虑。
lack of confidenceHer lack of confidence was apparent during the presentation.在演示过程中,她缺乏信心显而易见。
hesitantHis hesitant response indicated his doubt.他犹豫的回答表明了他的怀疑。
reluctanceThere was a reluctance to share personal information.人们对分享个人信息感到不情愿。
discontentThere is widespread discontent with the current policies.对当前政策的不满十分普遍。
worryingThe news was worrying for many families.这个消息让很多家庭感到担忧。
disbeliefShe shook her head in disbelief.她摇头表示不相信。
fretDon’t fret over things you can’t control.不要为你无法控制的事情烦恼。
misgivingsShe had misgivings about moving to a new city.她对搬到新城市心存疑虑。
apprehensiveHe felt apprehensive about starting a new job.他对开始一份新工作感到担忧。
cautionThey approached the situation with caution.他们谨慎地处理这一情况。
bewildermentHer bewilderment was evident after hearing the news.听到这个消息后,她的困惑显而易见。
skepticalShe was skeptical of his claims.她对他的说法持怀疑态度。
fearsHer fears held her back from pursuing her dreams.她的恐惧阻止了她追求梦想。
ambiguityThere was ambiguity in the contract terms.合同条款存在模糊之处。
cynicalHe had a cynical view of the world.他对世界持愤世嫉俗的看法。
trepidationShe entered the room with trepidation.她心怀忐忑地走进房间。
distressHis distress was evident after the incident.事件发生后,他的痛苦显而易见。
bewilderThe complexity of the issue bewildered him.问题的复杂性让他感到困惑。
complicationThere were complications that made the process harder.有一些复杂因素使得这个过程变得更加困难。
insecurityHis insecurity was affecting his performance.他的不安全感影响了他的表现。
questionableHis methods were questionable at best.他的方法充其量也只是值得怀疑。
