

government 记忆方法
gubern govern cybern government政府; 内阁; 政体n.
govern 统治;管理 + ment 组织或机构 → 政府;管理
government 变化形式
复数: governments
government 政府
来自govern, 管理。
government 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But many republicans genuinely equate fed bond-buying with reckless government activism leading to rampant inflation .
- 但是很多共和党人真诚地认为美联储购买债券的行为和导致疯狂通胀的鲁莽政治激进主义没有区别。
- While government force may keep companies like aol alive , consumers will surely be worse off and ultimately pay the price .
- 当政治力量会维持美国在线这样的公司存活,消费者无疑会变得更糟糕并最终为此支付成本。
- Another big industry , telecoms , is also in crisis , largely thanks to government graft and erratic regulation .
- 受政治贪污和令人费解的规章制度之害,庞大的电信行业目前也是四面楚歌。
- He says the government 's push for the one-child policy and use of contraception is what advanced the idea of non-productive sex and sex for leisure .
- 他说,政治对一个小孩政策的推动,和避孕的使用是促进了非产业型化的性和性事用来享乐的。
- Any incoming government will have the same objective .
- 任何即将就任的内阁都有相同的目标。
- The brown government has moved aggressively to shore up troubled banks .
- 布朗内阁采取了积极的行动以支持陷入困境的银行。
- For the time being , the government is taking a conciliatory line .
- 弗朗西斯莫得是一个保守人士,掌管内阁办公室。
- Chancellor angela merkel 's government is responding to pressure against internet giant google over its controversial street view service .
- 总理默克尔的内阁要应对来自互联网巨人google在备受争议的街景服务所带来的压力。
- Britain is good at technocratic government .
- 英国擅长于组建技术专家管理机构。
- The government will enhance school bus safety to ensure children 's safety .
- 加强校车安全管理,确保孩子们的人身安全。