
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-01  



1. Wedding - 婚礼
2. Bride - 新娘
3. Groom - 新郎
4. Ceremony - 仪式
5. Reception - 婚宴
6. Vows - 誓言
7. Ring - 戒指
8. Wedding dress - 婚纱
9. Tux/Tuxedo - 男士礼服
10. Bridal party - 婚礼派对(伴郎伴娘等)
11. Officiant - 主持婚礼的官员或牧师
12. Wedding planner - 婚礼策划师
13. Bouquet - 花束
14. Wedding cake - 婚礼蛋糕
15. Best man - 最佳男傧相
16. Maid of honor - 首席伴娘
17. Wedding vows - 婚礼誓言
18. Wedding invitation - 婚礼邀请函
19. Bridal shower - 婚前派对(新娘)
20. Rehearsal dinner - 彩排晚宴


A wedding is a magical event that marks the union of two hearts and the beginning of a new life together. It is a day filled with love, joy, and celebration, where family and friends gather to witness the commitment of the bride and groom to each other. The wedding ceremony, often steeped in tradition, is a moment of profound significance, where vows are exchanged and promises are made for a lifetime.


The bride, dressed in a beautiful gown, and the groom, looking dapper in his suit, stand together as they recite their vows, surrounded by the beauty of flowers, music, and the warm wishes of their loved ones. The wedding reception that follows is a festive occasion, where laughter, dancing, and the sharing of stories create lasting memories.


In writing this essay, I am reminded of the importance of love and commitment in a marriage. A wedding is not just a ceremony, but the start of a journey that requires patience, understanding, and mutual support. As I reflect on the beauty of weddings, I am inspired to cherish the bonds of love and the power of commitment.



❶ 迈克和妮科尔真是天生的一对。Mike and Nicole are perfect for each other.

❷ 我下了决心和她结婚。I decided to marry her.

对话 A: I decided to marry her. 我下了决心和她结婚。

B: I think you should let her know. Marriage is for you two. 我觉得你应该让她知道。结婚是你们两个人的事。

❸ 伴郎的人选还没定呢!The position of best man is still open!

对话 A: What can I help for your wedding? 你的婚礼我能帮上什么忙吗?

B: The position of best man is still open! 伴郎的人选还没定呢!

❹ 我们已经把喜帖都发出去了。We have sent off all the invitations.

对话 A: Have you guys picked a date yet? 你们定好日子了吗?

B: Yes, we chose next Friday. And we have sent off all the invitations. 我们定的是下个星期五,而且已经把喜帖发出去了。

❺ 你们打算办中式婚礼还是西式的?Are you going to choose a Chinese wedding or a western one?

❻ 恭贺新婚大喜。We congratulate you on your happy wedding.

同类表达 Congratulations on your wedding day! 祝你们新婚愉快!

I wish you a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! 祝你们百年好合!

❼ 希望你们终生幸福。We wish you happiness all your life.

同类表达 I wish you two a wonderful life together. 希望你们俩生活幸福。

I wish the two of you have an incredible life together. 希望你们能幸福美满。

❽ 愿你们早生贵子。May you have a lovely baby.

同类表达 Wish you produce a baby boy as soon as possible. 祝你们早生贵子。

Wish you be parents soon. 祝你们早日当上父母。

❾ 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。We never knew two people better suited to each other.

同类表达 The two of you make a perfect couple. 你们俩真是天生一对。

You and I, we're made for one another. 你和我是天生一对。

❿ 你们要去哪里度蜜月?Where are you going on your honeymoon?

同类表达 Where will you honeymoon?

Where exactly will your honeymoon be?

对话 A: Where are you going on your honeymoon? 你们要去哪里度蜜月?

B: We plan to go to Hawaii. 我们计划去夏威夷。

A: Wow, how romantic! 哇,好浪漫!