
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-24  



1. Introduce - 介绍

- E.g., "I'd like to introduce you to my friend, John."

2. Presentation - 介绍会,演讲

- E.g., "She gave a presentation on her research findings."

3. Meet and greet - 见面并打招呼

- E.g., "There will be a meet and greet session after the conference."

4. Bio - 个人简介

- E.g., "Here's my bio for the company website."

5. Background - 背景

- E.g., "Can you give me some background on the project?"

6. Resume - 简历

- E.g., "I've attached my resume for your review."

7. Profile - 个人资料,简介

- E.g., "Update your profile on the social media platform."

8. Networking - 建立人脉

- E.g., "Networking events are great for making new business contacts."

9. Icebreaker - 打破僵局,开场白

- E.g., "Let's start with an icebreaker game to get to know each other."

10. Get acquainted - 熟悉,认识

- E.g., "We spent the evening getting acquainted with each other."


Person A: Hi, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.

A: 嗨,我是莎拉。很高兴见到你。

Person B: Nice to meet you too, Sarah. I'm Tom. What do you do?

B: 我也很高兴见到你,莎拉。我是汤姆。你做什么工作?

Person A: I'm a graphic designer. How about you?

A: 我是一名平面设计师。你呢?

Person B: I work in marketing. It's great to meet someone from a different field.

B: 我在市场营销行业工作。很高兴能遇到来自不同领域的人。

Person A: Absolutely! I'm always interested in learning about other industries.

A: 当然!我总是对了解其他行业感兴趣。

Person B: Well, let's exchange contact information so we can stay in touch.

B: 好的,我们交换一下联系方式,保持联系吧。


The Importance of Introductions in Social Interaction

Introductions are a fundamental aspect of social interaction. They serve as the first step in establishing relationships and setting the tone for future interactions. A proper introduction can create a positive first impression and pave the way for meaningful connections.


In professional settings, introductions are crucial for networking and collaboration. When you introduce yourself or someone else, it's important to provide relevant information such as your name, job title, and a brief overview of your role or expertise. This helps others understand your professional background and how you might be able to contribute to a project or team.


In personal settings, introductions can be more casual and friendly. Sharing common interests or mutual friends can help break the ice and create a comfortable atmosphere for conversation. Remember to smile, maintain eye contact, and use open body language to show that you are approachable and interested in getting to know the other person.


In conclusion, mastering the art of introductions can significantly enhance your social and professional life. Whether you're meeting a potential business partner or making new friends, a thoughtful introduction can make all the difference.



❶ 我想让你见个人。There's somebody I'd like you to meet.

同类表达 I'd like to introduce somebody to you. 我想给你介绍个人。

❷ 我自我介绍一下。Let me introduce myself.

对话 A: Let me introduce myself. I'm your new teacher, Mr. Chen. 自我介绍一下,我是你的新老师,我姓陈。

B: Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到您。

❸ 我可以介绍汤姆吗?May I introduce Tom?

同类表达 Please allow me to introduce Tom. 请允许我介绍汤姆。

Allow me to introduce a friend to you. 请允许我向你介绍一位朋友。

对话 A: May I introduce Tom? 我可以介绍汤姆吗?

B: Of course. 当然可以了。

❹ 我听说了很多关于你的事情。I've heard a lot about you.

对话 A: I've heard a lot about you. 我听说了很多关于你的事情。

B: Really? I hope there's nothing embarrassing. 真的吗?希望不是我的一些糗事。

❺ 给你介绍一下我的父亲。I'd like to present you to my father.

同类表达 May I introduce Mr. Brooks?我可以介绍布鲁克斯先生吗?

This is Josh. 这位是乔希。

对话 A: I'd like to present you to my father. 给你介绍一下我的父亲。

B: Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识您。

❻ 我想你没见过彼得吧。I don't think you've met Peter.

同类表达 You remember Susan? 你记得苏珊吧?

❼ 我一直没机会认识你。I haven't had the chance to meet you.

对话 A: Sorry, do we know each other? 对不起,我们认识吗?

B: I have seen you in this building, but I haven't had the chance to meet you. 我在这栋楼里见过你,但一直没机会认识你。

❽ 我和杰克是多年的好朋友。Jack and I have been close friends for years.

同类表达 I want you to meet an old friend of mine. 我想让你见见我的一位老朋友。

对话 A: Jack and I have been close friends for years. 我和杰克是多年的好朋友。

B: I envy your friendship. 真羡慕你们的友谊。

❾ 你们俩有很多共同点。You two have a lot in common.

对话 A: You two have a lot in common. 你们俩有很多共同点。

B: Yeah, that's why we have been good friends for such a long time. 是啊,所以我们做了这么长时间的好朋友。

❿ 我想你们不需要我介绍了吧。I guess I don't need to introduce you two.