
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-18  



1. Moonlight clan - 月光族

2. Live from paycheck to paycheck - 月光族(形容每个月都把工资花光,没有储蓄)

3. Flat broke - 身无分文

4. Extravagant - 奢侈的

5. Robbing Peter to pay Paul - 拆东墙补西墙(形容用一张信用卡还另一张信用卡的债务)

6. Spend money as if it were going out of style - 花钱如流水

7. Save for a rainy day - 存钱以备不时之需

8. Max out my credit card - 刷爆信用卡

9. Hard up - 手头紧

10. Break the bank - 花费巨大,非常昂贵


A: Hey, are you coming out with us tonight? We're going to a new restaurant.

B: I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm flat broke this month.

A: Oh, you're part of the moonlight clan, aren't you?

B: Yeah, I guess so. I always seem to run out of money before the month ends.

A: 嘿,今晚你和我们出去吗?我们要去一家新餐厅。

B: 我很想去,但我恐怕不行。我这个月已经没钱了。

A: 哦,你是月光族,对吧?

B: 是的,我想是的。我总是在月末前就把钱花光了。

A: I heard you went on a big shopping spree last weekend. How are you managing your finances?

B: Well, to be honest, I'm living paycheck to paycheck. I'm trying to cut back on unnecessary expenses.

A: That's a smart move. It's important to save for a rainy day.

A: 我听说你上周末疯狂购物了。你是怎么管理你的财务的?

B: 说实话,我是月光族。我正在努力减少不必要的开支。

A: 那是个明智的举动。存钱以备不时之需很重要。


The Moonlight Clan

In today's society, a growing number of young people are joining the ranks of the "moonlight clan," a term used to describe those who spend all their income each month without saving anything. This lifestyle has sparked a debate among different groups of people.

Some argue that being a moonlight clan member is a sign of living in the moment and enjoying life to the fullest. They believe that spending money on experiences and material goods can lead to a higher quality of life. However, others view this consumption pattern as irresponsible and unsustainable. They point out that without savings, individuals may struggle to cope with unexpected expenses or emergencies.

Personally, I lean towards the latter perspective. While it's important to enjoy life, financial security is equally crucial. Living paycheck to paycheck can lead to a cycle of debt and stress, especially when faced with unforeseen circumstances. It's wise to strike a balance between enjoying life and planning for the future. Saving for a rainy day can provide a safety net and peace of mind.

In conclusion, the moonlight clan phenomenon reflects a broader issue of financial literacy and responsibility. It's essential for individuals to develop good money management habits and prioritize long-term financial health over short-term gratification.







❶ 我身无分文。I'm flat broke.

对话 A: Do you want to go out and have fun tonight? 你今晚想出来玩吗?

B: I'd like to, but I'm flat broke. 我倒是想去,但我身无分文。

❷ 越来越多的年轻人加入到了“月光族”的队伍。More and more young people are joining in the army of“moonlight clan”.

❸ 我是个月光族,一分钱都没法存下来。I run out of money every month. I cannot save a single penny.

对话 A: You are extravagant. 你太奢侈了。

B: I run out of money every month. I can not save a single penny. 我是个月光族,一分钱都没法存下来。

❹ 我感觉入不敷出。I feel it's hard to make ends meet.

对话 A: How is your work? 工作怎么样?

B: I've just got fired. I feel it's hard to make ends meet. 刚被解雇。我感觉入不敷出。

❺ 恐怕只有你肯借钱给我了。I'm afraid only you can still lend me money.

对话 A: I'm afraid only you can still lend me money. 恐怕只有你肯借钱给我了。

B: I won't anymore. 我也不会再借了。

❻ 你应该存点钱以备不时之需。You should save for a rainy day.

对话 A: You should save for a rainy day. 你应该存点钱以备不时之需。

B: You're right. 你说得对。

❼ 你在拆东墙补西墙。You are robbing Peter to pay Paul.

对话 A: I'll use this credit card to pay off my bills incurred by another credit card. 我会用这张信用卡来偿还另一张信用卡欠的账单。

B: You are robbing Peter to pay Paul. 你在拆东墙补西墙。

❽ 你花起钱来毫无节制。You spend money as if it were going out of style.

同类表达 You spend money as if there was a hole in your pocket. 你花钱如流水啊。

❾ 口袋里不要总是留不住钱。Don't let it burn a hole in your pocket.

同类表达 I'm sure he'll spend all his money in a few days. 我敢说,没几天他便会把钱花光。

❿ 我手头有点紧,付不起账单。I'm a little behind on my bills.

同类表达 I'm a bit hard up lately. 最近手头有点紧。

Money is a bit tight for me lately. 最近手头有点紧。