
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-14  



  • movie theater/cinema - 电影院

  • film screening - 电影放映

  • ticket counter - 售票处

  • concession stand - 小吃部

  • auditorium - 放映厅

  • movie schedule - 电影时间表

  • box office - 售票处

  • popcorn - 爆米花

  • moviegoer - 电影观众

  • 3D glasses - 3D眼镜


  • I'm going to the cinema to watch a new movie tonight.(今晚我要去电影院看一部新电影。)

  • The movie theater was packed with excited moviegoers.(电影院里挤满了兴奋的电影观众。)

  • We arrived early to buy tickets at the box office.(我们提前到售票处买票。)

  • The concession stand offers a variety of snacks and drinks.(小吃部提供各种零食和饮料。)

  • The auditorium was dark as the movie began.(电影开始时,放映厅变暗了。)


Going to the movies is a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. Movie theaters provide an escape from reality and a chance to immerse oneself in different stories and worlds. When you walk into a cinema, you are greeted by the smell of popcorn and the excitement in the air. Choosing a seat in the dimly lit auditorium, you eagerly await the film to start, surrounded by fellow movie enthusiasts. As the lights dim and the screen comes to life, you are transported into a journey of emotions, laughter, and sometimes tears. After the movie ends, you leave the theater feeling entertained and perhaps even inspired by the stories you've witnessed on the big screen.



❶ 现在有什么片子在上映?What's playing now?

同类表达 What's on at 8:00 p.m.? 八点上映什么?

对话 A: Excuse me, what's playing now? 打扰一下,现在有什么片子在上映?

B: Please look at the screen. 请看大屏幕。

❷ 我觉得我们很难买到票。I think we will have a hard time getting tickets.

同类表达 It will cost me a long time to get a ticket. 我要很长时间才能买到票。

The line is so long; it must be a good movie. 这么长的队,电影一定很棒。

❸ 三张晚上九点的票,谢谢。Three tickets for nine p.m., please.

对话 A: How can I help you? 你需要什么?

B: Three tickets for nine p.m., please. 三张晚上九点的票,谢谢。

❹ 你要一些爆米花或饮料吗?Would you like to have some popcorn or drink?

对话 A: Would you like to have some popcorn or drink? 你要一些爆米花或饮料吗?

B: I need a cup of Coca Cola. Thanks. 我要一杯可口可乐,多谢。

❺ 这部电影还在上映吗?Is it still playing?

对话 A: I want to watch a movie, Transformer . Is it still paying? 我想看《变形金刚》这部电影,还在上映吗?

B: I'm afraid not. 恐怕不上映了。

❻ 我听说这部影片的票房惨败。I heard it was a big flop at the box office.

对话 A: How do you like the movie? I heard it was a big flop at the box office. 这部电影怎么样? 我听说它的票房惨败。

B: It's not that bad. 没那么糟糕。

❼ 抱歉,票卖光了!Sorry, the tickets are sold out!

同类表达 We are out of tickets for the movie. 这部电影的票卖光了。

You are very lucky. Somebody has just returned two tickets. 你太幸运了,有人刚刚退了两张票。

❽ 坐在我旁边的人太吵了。The person next to me is so noisy.

同类表达 Don't make a racket in the cinema. 不要在电影院大声喧哗。

❾ 有人吃爆米花,声音很烦人。The sound of somebody eating popcorn is so annoying.

❿ 在电影放映的时候讲电话,真的很讨厌。Talking on the phone during the movie is really annoying.

同类表达 They are talking loudly. It's annoying. 他们说话很大声,真讨厌。