

colorful 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Colorful

colorful 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The colorful wooden flooring may as well be a work of art !
- 而居室内五颜六色的多彩木地板堪称是一件艺术品!
- This blog uses a very colorful header image and a lot of colorful photos throughout the posts .
- 这个博客选用了一张鲜艳的页眉图片,且这种多彩的图片遍布其每篇日志。
- She would come to school everyday in a colorful silk scarf that accentuated her lovely smile .
- 每天她都会系着一条色彩鲜艳的围巾来上课,那条围巾更衬托出她的笑脸。
- The flowers of the poinsettia are very small . Around the flowers are colorful leaves called bracts .
- 一品红的花非常小,围绕着花的是被称为苞片的色彩鲜艳的叶子。
- Many colorful fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants , as are some beans , whole grains , nuts and spices .
- 许多颜色鲜艳的水果和蔬菜都富含抗氧化物,也包括一些豆类、全麦食物、硬果及调味香料。
- Low lying chairs or sofa featuring colorful cushions with a small coffee table would do the needful .
- 躺椅或者配五颜六色靠垫的沙发,再加一个小的咖啡桌很必要。
- As always -- the championships are in their third year -- it was a colorful field .
- 和往常一样--此次冠军赛已经是第三届了--这是个多姿多彩的领域。
- We want your first experience with basecamp next to be colorful , welcoming , and friendly .
- 我们希望大家在basecampnext中感受到一种多姿多彩、友好和热情。
- Fill the jar with colorful potpourri and cover the jar with a small lace doily .
- 用五颜六色的百花香把罐子装满,再用一小块带花边的桌布封上罐子。
- The towers of chips stacked in front of him formed a colorful miniature skyline .
- 筹码柱堆在他面前,形成了一道五颜六色的“迷你”天际线。