
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-15  


出门 (Go out)

计划 (Plan)

交通方式 (Mode of transportation)

准备好 (Ready)

迟到 (Late)

立即出发 (Leave immediately)

上班 (Go to work)

公交车 (Bus)

开车 (Drive)

火车 (Train)

时刻表 (Timetable)

赶快 (Hurry)

拼车 (Carpool)

活动 (Event)

购物中心 (Shopping center)

停车位 (Parking space)

街区 (Block)

Departure - 出发

Commute - 通勤

Transportation - 交通工具

Destination - 目的地

Itinerary - 行程安排

Public transportation - 公共交通

Traffic congestion - 交通拥堵

Carpooling - 拼车

Pedestrian - 行人

Rush hour - 高峰时间



❶ 我把钥匙锁在房里了。I have locked the key in the house.

对话 A: Oh, I forgot my phone. I have to be back in. 噢,我忘记拿手机了。我必须进去一下。

B: Oh, gosh, I have locked the key in the house. 噢,天呀。我把钥匙锁在屋子里了。

❷ 你看见我的公文包了吗?Have you seen my briefcase?

对话 A: Have you seen my briefcase? 你看见我的公文包了吗?

B: I saw you took it out with you. 我看见你带出门了啊。

❸ 你最好提前把公交卡准备好。You'd better prepare your bus pass in advance.

❹ 我要迟到了。I'm running late.

同类表达 I have to rush. 我得赶紧走了。

I have to hurry. 我得赶紧走。

I've got to take off. 我得走了。

这样回答 Hurry up. 快点吧。

❺ 到你的工作地点要花多长时间?How long does it take to get to your work place?

同类表达 How do you go to work, by bus or by subway? 你怎么去上班,是坐公交还是地铁?

❻ 今天下午可能会转晴。It probably clears up this afternoon.

同类表达 The weather forecast says it's gonna look up later this afternoon. 天气预报说下午天气会放晴。

❼ 今天冷飕飕的。It's chilly today.

同类表达 It's supposed to rain today. 今天可能会下雨。

There is going to be a storm today. 今天将有暴风雨。

❽ 外面热得跟火炉似的。It's burning up out there.

同类表达 It's hot as hell. 天热得要命。

It's hot as Hades. 热死人了。

❾ 看样子快下阵雨了。It looks like we are going to have a shower.

对话 A: It looks like we are going to have a shower. 看样子快下阵雨了。

B: So let's hurry to go home. 所以我们快点回家吧。

❿ 穿上毛衣,外面很冷。Put on your sweater because it's freezing.

同类表达 It's very cold outside. 外面很冷。

It's freezing cold outside. 外面冷得刺骨。



A: Are you ready to go out? We don't want to be late.

A: 你准备好出门了吗?我们不想迟到。

B: Yes, I'm ready. Let's leave immediately.

B: 是的,我准备好了。我们立即出发吧。


A: How do you plan to go to work today?

A: 你今天打算怎么去上班?

B: I usually take the bus, but today I'm going to drive.

B: 我通常坐公交车,但今天打算开车。

A: That's convenient. Have you checked the train timetable?

A: 那很方便。你查了火车的时刻表吗?

B: Yes, I have. The next train leaves in 10 minutes. We should hurry.

B: 是的,查过了。下一班火车将在10分钟后出发,我们赶快吧。


A: Would you like to carpool together to the event tomorrow?

A: 明天我们一起拼车去活动好吗?

B: Sure, that sounds great. It saves time and money.

B: 当然,听起来很不错。这样可以节省时间和金钱。

A: Perfect. Let's meet at the designated spot in the morning.

A: 太好了。我们早上在指定地点见面。


A: Did you find a parking space near the shopping center?

A: 你在购物中心附近找到停车位了吗?

B: No, it was too crowded. I had to park a few blocks away.

B: 没有,太拥挤了。我只能停在几个街区之外。