读句子学语法:关于of...to do sth.和for...to do sth.

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-02  

在英语中,"of...to do sth." 和 "for...to do sth." 结构是表达行为或状态的两种重要语法形式。它们在句中可以承担不同的语法角色,如主语、表语、宾语、定语或状语。这些结构不仅丰富了句子的表达,还帮助我们更精确地描述行为和行为者之间的关系。

It is careless of you to lose so much money.

of...to do sth.用在句中作主语,可接形容词作表语。it作形式主语。而for...to do sth.除了在句子中作主语外,还可以作表语、宾语、定语和状语等,作主语时,其表语可以使形容词,也可以是名词。有些形容词,如nice, right, wrong, good和wise等都可用于这两个结构中,但是意思有所差异。

(1) It's very kind of you to help me.
语法分析:of...to do sth.结构用在句中作主语。

(2) My suggestion is for you to do your homework.
语法分析:for...to do sth.结构在句子中作表语。

(3) I'd like for you to come here.
语法分析:for...to do sth.结构在句子中作宾语。

(4) He has a lot of work for you to do.
语法分析:for...to do sth.结构在句子中作定语。

(5) He opened the door for the students to come in.
语法分析:for...to do sth.结构在句子中作状语。

(6) It is important for your teachers to attend today's meeting.
语法分析:在for...to do sth.结构中,不定式的逻辑主语可以是人或物,也可以是引导词there。

(7) You are kind to lead the blind man across the road.
语法分析:for...to do sth.结构中,后面的名词或代词与前面的形容词有逻辑上的主表关系。

(1) It is impossible for you to get there in such a short time.
(2) It will be a mistake for me not to help them.
(3) It is possible for us to spend three hours completing the composition.
(4) It will take three hours for us to complete the composition.
(5) It is a good idea for the present to be given to her.
(6) It is a pity for there to be any disagreement in the company.
(7) It is wrong of the hunter to kill the monkey.

(1) to get (2) to help (3) completing (4) to complete (5) to be given (6) to be (7) to kill

通过这些练习和分析,我们可以更深入地理解 "of...to do sth." 和 "for...to do sth." 结构的用法,并在实际的英语写作和口语中更加灵活和准确。