翻译辨析:不能简单的把 easy 翻译为容易!

英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-18  


Look forward and relax. Easy does it!



辨 析:


一件事很容易做: It is easy to do something 


as easy as ABC, as easy as anything, as easy as pie, as easy as winking, as easy as falling a log;

还有一个不太好的说法:as easy as pinching money from a blind man(像偷瞎子的钱一样容易)。


(1) “安心”,Be easy就是叫人放心。如:Don't worry, everything will be easy.(别担心,一切都会顺利的。)

(2) “从容的”、“小心的”,如:She walked down the stairs with an easy gait.(她从容地走下楼梯。)He handled the fragile vase with easy care.(他小心翼翼地处理那个易碎的花瓶。)

(3) “有节制的”,如:He has an easy temper and never gets angry easily.(他脾气温和,从不轻易发脾气。)

(4) “悦耳的”、“悦目的”,如:The music was easy on the ears.(这首音乐听起来很悦耳。)The view from the top of the mountain was easy on the eyes.(从山顶上看到的景色非常美丽。)

(5) “安逸的”、“舒适平静的”,如:After a long day at work, it's nice to relax in an easy chair.(工作了一整天后,在一张舒适的椅子上放松一下很不错。)The beach had an easy atmosphere that made everyone feel relaxed.(海滩有一种让人感到轻松的氛围,让每个人都感到很放松。)

(6) “平缓的”、“流畅的”,如:The river flowed easy and peacefully downstream.(这条河流平稳而流畅地向下流去。)Her speech was easy and fluid, without any hesitation or stumbling.(她的演讲流畅自如,没有任何犹豫或磕巴。)

(7) “不苛刻的”、“轻易的”,如:The teacher gave us an easy test that we could finish quickly.(老师给了我们一个不难的测试,我们可以很快完成。)He didn't take the job seriously and treated it with an easy attitude.(他没有认真对待这份工作,对待它的态度很随便。)

那么本句中,Easy does it!是一句口语,意思是:小心点,别慌 !

easy 的相关英语短语:

  • Easy as pie - 非常容易的事情

  • Take it easy - 放松,不要紧张

  • Easy does it - 慢慢来,不要着急

  • Easy come, easy go - 来得快去得快,形容财富或成功容易失去

  • Easy on the eyes - 容貌好看,让人愉悦的外貌

  • Easy on the wallet - 价格适中,不会花费太多钱

  • Easy street - 容易取得成功或财富的情况

  • Easy money - 容易赚到的钱,不费力就能得到的财富

  • Easy target - 容易成为攻击或抢劫的目标

  • Easy peasy - 非常容易的事情,非常简单


free and easy 

on easy street

take it easy

go easy

go easy on