
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-12  



Zoo (动物园)

Exhibit (展览区)

Habitat (栖息地)

Conservation (保护)

Endangered species (濒危物种)

Breeding program (繁殖计划)

Public education (公共教育)

Animal enclosure (动物围栏)

Tropical rainforest (热带雨林)

Savanna (稀树草原)

Desert (沙漠)

Animal welfare (动物福利)

Wildlife (野生动植物)

Zoologist (动物学家)

Keeper (动物管理员)

Feeding time (喂食时间)

Guided tour (导览)


The zoo is a place where children can learn about various animals and their habitats. (动物园是孩子们了解各种动物及其栖息地的地方。)

Each exhibit is designed to mimic the natural environment of the animals. (每个展览区都被设计成模仿动物的自然环境。)

Zoos play a crucial role in the conservation of endangered species. (动物园在保护濒危物种方面发挥着至关重要的作用。)

The breeding program at the zoo has successfully increased the population of certain species. (动物园的繁殖计划成功地增加了某些物种的数量。)

Public education is one of the main goals of the zoo, aiming to raise awareness about animal welfare and conservation. (公共教育是动物园的主要目标之一,旨在提高人们对动物福利和保护的意识。)


Zoos are fascinating places that offer a glimpse into the lives of animals from all around the world. They provide an opportunity for people to see and learn about creatures that they might never encounter in their daily lives.


In addition to being a source of entertainment, zoos serve as centers for conservation and education. They are involved in breeding programs for endangered species, helping to ensure the survival of these animals for future generations.


Educational programs at zoos teach visitors about the importance of biodiversity and the role each species plays in the ecosystem. They also highlight the need for conservation efforts and how individuals can contribute to protecting wildlife.


However, zoos have faced criticism for keeping animals in captivity. Critics argue that it is unethical to confine animals in small spaces and deny them the freedom to roam in their natural habitats.


Despite these concerns, many zoos are making efforts to improve animal welfare and create more naturalistic environments. They are working to strike a balance between conservation, education, and the well-being of the animals in their care.


In conclusion, zoos offer a unique experience that can foster a greater appreciation for the natural world. With ongoing efforts to address ethical concerns, they can continue to be valuable resources for education and conservation.



❶ 动物园里有一头从非洲来的斑马。There's a zebra coming from Africa in the zoo.

同类表达 Look, a pair of eagles from North America. 瞧,一对来自北美洲的鹰。

Pandas are precious creatures. 熊猫是珍贵动物。

❷ 那些五彩缤纷的鹦鹉好看极了。Those multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.

❸ 我在水族馆的门口和你见面。I'll meet you at the entrance of the aquarium.

对话 A: I'll meet you at the entrance of the aquarium. 我在水族馆的门口和你见面。

B: Then we can have the chance to experience life under the sea in the aquariums. 然后我们在水族馆享有体验海洋生活的机会。

❹ 我们去看一下笼子里窜来窜去的狮子吧。Let's feast our eyes on those lions prancing about their cage!

❺ 你喜欢看那些水栖动物吗?Do you like to watch those aquatic animals?

对话 A: Do you like to watch those aquatic animals? 你喜欢看那些水栖动物吗?

B: No, in fact, I'm afraid of them. 不,实际上,我害怕它们。

❻ 你见过娃娃鱼吗?Have you ever seen a giant salamander?

对话 A: Have you ever seen a giant salamander? 你见过娃娃鱼吗?

B: I just saw them on TV. 我只在电视上见过。

❼ 那只懒洋洋的大海豹正往岸上爬。That big, lazy seal is climbing onto the bank.

对话 A: What's so funny? 什么事这么有趣?

B: That big, lazy seal is climbing onto the bank. 那只懒洋洋的大海豹正往岸上爬。

❽ 你是真的被那些海豹迷住了吧?You're really attracted by the seals, aren't you?

对话 A: You're really attracted by the seals, aren't you? 你是真的被那些海豹迷住了吧?

B: Yes. They are so interesting. 是啊,它们太有趣了。

❾ 水族馆向游客展示海洋生物。The aquarium shows marine life to the visitors.

对话 A: The aquarium shows marine life to the visitors. 水族馆向游客展示海洋生物。

B: I'm interested in it. 我很感兴趣。

❿ 我们不应该对动物残忍。We shouldn't be cruel to animals.