
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-22  



Bathroom - 浴室

Bathtub - 浴缸

Shower - 淋浴

Sink - 水槽

Toilet - 厕所

Mirror - 镜子

Towel - 毛巾

Soap - 肥皂

Shampoo - 洗发水

Conditioner - 护发素

Toothbrush - 牙刷

Toothpaste - 牙膏

Faucet - 水龙头

Drain - 排水口

Bath mat - 浴垫


A: I need to take a shower. Do you mind if I use the bathroom first?

B: Sure, go ahead. I'll wait.

A: Thanks. I won't take too long.

B: Take your time. Just let me know when you're done.

A: Okay, I'm finished. You can use the bathroom now.

B: Great, thanks for letting me know.

A: 我需要洗个澡。你介意我先用一下浴室吗?

B: 当然,去吧。我等你。

A: 谢谢。我不会花很长时间的。

B: 慢慢来,用完了告诉我一声。

A: 好的,我洗完了。你现在可以用浴室了。

B: 太好了,谢谢你告诉我。


The bathroom in my house is a small but cozy space. It is equipped with a bathtub, a shower, a sink, and a toilet. The walls are tiled, and there is a large mirror above the sink. The faucet has both hot and cold water options, and there is a drain on the floor for the shower.

I keep a stack of clean towels on a shelf near the bathtub. There is also a basket filled with various soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. I have a toothbrush and toothpaste placed near the sink, along with a small cup for rinsing.

I love spending time in my bathroom, especially when taking a long bath. The warm water and soothing bubble bath help me relax after a tiring day. I also enjoy standing under the refreshing shower in the morning to wake myself up.

Overall, my bathroom is a private sanctuary where I can take care of my personal hygiene and find moments of tranquility.






❶ 别忘了把浴室地板上的头发捡起来。Don't forget to pick up the hairs on the bathroom floor.

对话 A: Don't forget to pick up the hairs on the bathroom floor. 别忘了把浴室地板上的头发捡起来。

B: I know. Please stop nagging. 我知道了,别唠叨了。

❷ 冲澡之后,你擦过镜子吗?Did you wipe the mirror after taking a shower?

同类表达 Did you turn off the water heater after shower? 你冲澡后关热水器了吗?

❸ 你多久打扫一次浴室?How often do you clean your bathroom?

对话 A: How often do you clean your bathroom? 你多久打扫一次浴室?

B: I try to clean it at least once a week. 我尽量每周至少打扫一次。

❹ 我不知道怎么通马桶。I don't know how to unclog the toilet.

对话 A: I don't know how to unclog the toilet. 我不知道怎么通马桶。

B: You can use a plunger to unclog it. 你可以用搋子通。

❺ 马桶堵住了。The closestool is clogged up.

对话 A: What's wrong with the toilet? 卫生间怎么了?

B: The closestool is clogged up. 马桶堵住了。

❻ 洗脸池上有些污渍。There are some stains in the sink.

对话 A: There are some stains in the sink. 洗脸池上有些污渍。

B: I'll clean it. 我来清理一下。

❼ 浴室的镜子破了。The mirror in the bathroom is broken.

对话 A: What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?

B: The mirror in the bathroom is broken. And it hurts my hand. 浴室的镜子破了,伤到了我的手。

❽ 请把毛巾整齐地挂到架子上。Please hang the towel neatly on the rack.

对话 A: Please hang the towel neatly on the rack. 请把毛巾整齐地挂到架子上。

B: OK. I will. 好的。我会的。

❾ 卫生间该打扫了。The bathroom needs cleaning.

同类表达 You should clean the bathroom.

❿ 你洗完澡要把地擦干。You should dry the floor after taking the bath.

同类表达 You should wash the clothes after taking the bath. 你洗完澡应该把衣服洗了。