
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-26  



Pet (宠物)

Dog (狗)

Cat (猫)

Fish (鱼)

Bird (鸟)

Hamster (仓鼠)

Guinea pig (豚鼠)

Rabbit (兔子)

Turtle (龟)

Snake (蛇)

Lizard (蜥蜴)

Ferret (雪貂)

Hedgehog (刺猬)

Parrot (鹦鹉)

Canary (金丝雀)

Parakeet (长尾鹦鹉)

Chinchilla (龙猫)

Sugar glider (蜜袋鼯)

Tarantula (狼蛛)

Butterfly (蝴蝶)

Bee (蜜蜂)

Ant (蚂蚁)

Ladybug (瓢虫)

Dragonfly (蜻蜓)

Firefly (萤火虫)

Mosquito (蚊子)

Flea (跳蚤)

Tick (蜱虫)

Horse (马)

Donkey (驴子)

Mule (骡子)

Elephant (大象)

Zebra (斑马)

Giraffe (长颈鹿)

Lion (狮子)

Tiger (老虎)

Bear (熊)

Wolf (狼)

Fox (狐狸)

Hare (野兔)

Deer (鹿)

Mouse (老鼠)

Rat (大鼠)

Hamster (仓鼠)

Gerbil (沙鼠)

Rabbit (兔子)

Guinea pig (豚鼠)

Chinchilla (龙猫)

Hedgehog (刺猬)

Skunk (臭鼬)


A: Hey, I noticed you have a new pet. What kind of dog is it?

B: Oh, this is a Labrador Retriever. She's just a puppy.

A: Labradors are great dogs! They're so friendly and intelligent.

B: Yes, I've heard they make excellent family pets. I'm really excited to have her.

A: What's her name?

B: Her name is Luna. I thought it was a fitting name since she's so playful and energetic.

A: Luna, that's a lovely name! How's the adjustment period going?

B: It's been a bit challenging, but I'm learning a lot about training and patience. I'm sure it'll get easier.

A: Absolutely, it's worth it in the end. Enjoy your time with Luna!

A: 嘿,我注意到你有了新的宠物。这是什么品种的狗?

B: 哦,这是一只拉布拉多寻回犬。她还只是一只小狗。

A: 拉布拉多是很棒的狗!它们非常友好和聪明。

B: 是的,我听说它们是极好的家庭宠物。我真的很兴奋能有她。

A: 她叫什么名字?

B: 她叫露娜。我觉得这个名字很合适,因为她非常活泼和充满活力。

A: 露娜,这是一个可爱的名字!适应期怎么样?

B: 有点挑战,但我学到了很多关于训练和耐心的知识。我相信会慢慢变好的。

A: 当然,最终都是值得的。好好享受和露娜在一起的时光吧!


Pets play an important role in many people's lives. They provide companionship, happiness, and love. In my opinion, having a pet is a wonderful experience.

Firstly, pets can be great companions. They are always there for us, ready to listen and comfort us when we're feeling down. Whether it's a dog, cat, or even a fish, pets have a unique ability to make us feel loved and supported.

Secondly, pets bring joy and happiness into our lives. Their playful antics and unconditional love can brighten even the gloomiest of days. Playing with a pet can help relieve stress and bring a sense of joy and relaxation.

Additionally, owning a pet teaches us valuable life lessons. We learn about responsibility as we take care of their basic needs, such as feeding them, providing shelter, and taking them for regular check-ups. Pets also teach us about empathy and compassion as we learn to understand their needs and emotions.

Moreover, pets can improve our physical health. Dogs, for example, require regular exercise, which encourages their owners to stay active as well. Walking or playing with a pet can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent certain health problems.

In conclusion, having a pet is a wonderful experience that brings companionship, joy, and valuable life lessons. They can improve our emotional well-being, teach us about responsibility and empathy, and even benefit our physical health. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend having a pet as they truly enrich our lives.








❶ 我把我的狗当作家庭的一分子了。I consider my dog as a part of the family.

❷ 你对你的猫咪付出了很多。You devote a lot to your kitty.

这样回答 The kitty can relieve the burden of my life. 猫咪能减轻我的生活负担。

The kitty helps me find interests in my busy life. 猫咪让我在忙碌的生活中找到了乐趣。

❸ 我经常看见你遛狗。I often see you walking the dog.

同类表达 I often see you playing with your dog. 我常常看见你和你的狗在一起玩。

这样回答 I like being accompanied by my dog. 我喜欢狗陪在我身边。

❹ 我觉得养鸟不需要很多时间。I don't think raising a bird needs a lot of time.

同类表达 I think raising a bird needs a lot of time and energy. 我觉得养鸟需要花费很多时间和精力。

❺ 你家小狗穿这新件衣服真漂亮。Your puppy is pretty in the new dress.

同类表达 My puppy loves this new dress very much. 我家小狗很喜欢这件新衣服。

对话 A: How about the dog's clothes? 小狗的衣服怎么样?

B: Your puppy is pretty in the new dress. 你家小狗穿这件新衣服真漂亮。

❻ 我们没有猫粮了。We're out of cat food.

对话 A: I'm going to the store. Do you need anything? 我要去商店,你需要带什么东西吗?

B: We're out of cat food. 我们没有猫粮了。

❼ 我要给水族箱换水。I'll change the water in the aquarium.

对话 A: How often do you change the water in the aquarium? 你多久给水族箱换一次水?

B: Once a week. I'll change the water in the aquarium tomorrow. 一周一次,明天我就该给水族箱换水了。

❽ 有人将毒蜘蛛和蛇作为宠物。Some people raise tarantulas and snakes as pets.

❾ 我对猫过敏。I'm allergic to cats.

对话 A: Hey, what do you think about getting a cat? 嗨,我们养只猫怎么样?

B: No way. I'm allergic to cats. 不行,我对猫过敏。

❿ 我带我的猫去看兽医了。I took my cat to the vet.

对话 A: Where did you go? 你去哪了?

B: I took my cat to the vet. 我带我的猫去看兽医了。
