英语笑话:Two Bear Hunters 两个捕熊者

英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-23  

Two Bear Hunters

Two men went bear hunting.While one stayed in the cabin,the other went out looking for a bear.He soon found a huge bear,shot at it but only wounded it.The enraged bear charged toward him,he dropped his rifle and started running for the cabin as fast as he could.

He ran pretty fast but the bear was just a little faster and gained on him with every step.Just as he reached the open cabin door,he tripped and fell llat.Too close behind to stop,the bear tripped over him and went rolling into the cabin.

The man jumped up,closed the cabin door and yelled to his friend inside,“You skin this one while I go and get another one!”


bear hunting - 猎熊,指狩猎熊的活动。

cabin - 小木屋,通常指在森林或乡村中的小房子。

looking for - 寻找,表示在寻找某物或某人。

huge - 巨大的,形容某物体积或尺寸非常大。

wounded - 受伤的,指被射击或攻击后受伤。

enraged - 愤怒的,形容因某事而非常生气。

charged - 冲锋,这里指熊向人快速冲过来。

tripped - 绊倒,指不小心被某物绊到而跌倒。

fell flat - 摔倒在地,形容跌倒时身体完全平躺在地上。

too close behind - 紧随其后,形容距离非常近。

rolled into - 滚进,形容滚动着进入某处。

jumped up - 跳起来,指迅速从地面站起来。

yelled - 大喊,指大声喊叫以引起注意。

skin - 剥皮,这里指剥去熊的皮毛。



