名篇背诵:A Ramble After Rainfall 雨后漫步

英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-20  

A Ramble After Rainfall 雨后漫步

威廉·黑尔·怀特(William Hale White)

It was a day by itself, coming after a fortnight's storm and rain.The sun did not shine clearly, but it spread through the clouds a tender, diffused light, crossed by level cloud-bars, which stretched to a great length, quite parallel. The tints in the sky were wonderful, every conceivable shade of blue-grey, which contrived to modulate into the golden brilliance in which the sun was veiled. I went out in the afternoon.It was too early in the year for a heavy fall of leaves, but nevertheless the garden was covered. They were washed to the sides of the roads, and lay heaped up over the road-gratings, masses of gorgeous harmonies in red, brown, and yellow. The chestnuts and acorns dropped in showers, and the patter on the gravel was a little weird . The chestnut husks split wide open when they came to the ground, revealing the polished brown of the shy fruit.

The lavish, drenching downpour in extravagant excess had been glorious. I went down to the bridge to look at the floods. The valley was a great lake, reaching to the big trees in the fields which had not yet lost the fire in their branches. The river-channel could be discerned only by the boiling of the current. It has risen above the crown of the main stone arch, and swirled and plunged underneath it. A furious backwater, repulsed from the smaller arch, aided the tumult. The wind had gone and there was perfect silence, save for the agitation of the stream, but a few steps upwards the gentle tinkle of the little runnels could be heard in their deeply-cut, dark, and narrow channels. In a few minutes they were caught up, rejoicing, in the embrace of the deep river which would carry them with it to the sea.They were safe now from being lost in the earth.

I went a little further up the hill:a flock of about fifty sheep grazing on the grass, birds flying here and there, up and down, singing their merry song. There is enough in a very common object to satisfy all our hunger — more than enough. I never leave the curve which limits the tops of the trees round that field without feeling that there is in it something which I cannot exhaust. The attraction is not the same as that of the “view” seen in passing. The “view” of a mountain peak or a waterfall is a surprise. I stay along with my field for an hour or two and it begets, in addition to a growing sense of loveliness, a religious peace, victorious over trouble and doubt.

- modulate [ˈmɒdjʊleɪt] v. 调整,调节

- gorgeous [ˈɡɔːdʒəs] a. 灿烂的,极好的

- acorn [ˈeɪkɔːn] n. 橡树果实

- weird [wɪəd] a. 超自然的,神秘的

- downpour [ˈdaʊnpɔː] n. 倾盆大雨




威廉·黑尔·怀特(1831—1913),英国作家,出生于贝德福德。作品有《马克·路斯福德自传》(The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford ,1881),《马克·路斯福德的解脱》(Mark Rutherford's Deliverance ,1885)等。