
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-09  



  1. 太阳镜 Sunglasses

    • 例句:I always wear sunglasses when I go out on a sunny day to protect my eyes from the sun.

    • 翻译:当我在晴天外出时,我总是戴上太阳镜来保护我的眼睛免受阳光的伤害。

  2. 近视眼镜 Myopia Glasses

    • 例句:He needs to wear myopia glasses to see the blackboard clearly in class.

    • 翻译:他需要戴上近视眼镜才能在课堂上清楚地看到黑板。

  3. 远视眼镜 Hyperopia Glasses

    • 例句:My grandmother uses hyperopia glasses to read the newspaper without straining her eyes.

    • 翻译:我的祖母使用远视眼镜阅读报纸,以免眼睛疲劳。

  4. 双光眼镜 Bifocal Glasses

    • 例句:My uncle prefers bifocal glasses because he can see both near and far without switching glasses.

    • 翻译:我的叔叔更喜欢双光眼镜,因为他可以在不换眼镜的情况下同时看清近处和远处。

  5. 渐进眼镜 Progressive Glasses

    • 例句:Progressive glasses have made it much easier for my mother to focus on different distances without adjusting her glasses.

    • 翻译:渐进眼镜让我的母亲在不同距离上聚焦变得容易多了,无需调整眼镜。

  6. 安全眼镜 Safety Glasses

    • 例句:Workers must wear safety glasses in the factory to prevent any flying debris from hurting their eyes.

    • 翻译:工人们在工厂里必须戴上安全眼镜,以防止飞溅的碎片伤害他们的眼睛。

  7. 3D眼镜 3D Glasses

    • 例句:We need to put on 3D glasses to enjoy the immersive experience of the movie.

    • 翻译:我们需要戴上3D眼镜来享受电影的沉浸式体验。

  8. 游泳眼镜 Swimming Goggles

    • 例句:Swimming goggles are essential for me when I go swimming to keep my eyes safe from the chlorine in the pool.

    • 翻译:当我去游泳时,游泳眼镜对我来说是必不可少的,它可以保护我的眼睛免受池水中氯的伤害。

  9. 滑雪眼镜 Ski Goggles

    • 例句:Ski goggles are crucial for protecting your eyes from the glare and cold winds on the slopes.

    • 翻译:滑雪眼镜对于保护你的眼睛免受斜坡上的眩光和寒风至关重要。

  10. 阅读眼镜 Reading Glasses

    • 例句:My dad always keeps a pair of reading glasses on the bedside table for reading books before sleep.

    • 翻译:我爸爸总是在床头柜上放一副阅读眼镜,以便睡前阅读书籍。
