英语笑话:Names 名字

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-26  


There are three sisters.The first one goes up to her mom and asks,“Mommy,why am I called Rose?”The mom answers,“That’s because a rose petal fell on my tummy while you were in there.”The second sister goes up to her and asks,“Mommy,why am I called Violet?”The mom answers,“That’s because a violet petal fell on my tummy while you were in there.”The third sister staggers up to her and asks,“Mommy,why am I called Piano?”




Names - 名字

sisters - 姐妹

first one - 第一个

goes up to - 走向

mom - 妈妈

called - 被叫做

rose - 玫瑰

petal - 花瓣

fell on - 落在

tummy - 肚子

while - 当...的时候

second sister - 第二个姐妹

Violet - 紫罗兰

third sister - 第三个姐妹

staggers up to - 蹒跚地走向

Piano - 钢琴