
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-26  



Luggage / Baggage - 行李

Claim - 领取

Carousel / Conveyor Belt - 行李传送带

Identification - 身份证明

Tag - 标签

Customs - 海关

Suitcase - 手提箱

Backpack - 背包

Checked Luggage - 托运行李

Carry-on - 随身行李

Baggage Claim Area - 行李领取区

Lost and Found - 失物招领处

Security Check - 安检


Arriving at the baggage claim area after a long flight is a moment of anticipation. The conveyor belt starts to move, and a sea of suitcases and bags emerge, each one carrying stories from the journey. Passengers stand by, eyes scanning the carousel, hoping to spot their own luggage.

The process of claiming luggage is a dance of patience and vigilance. One must be alert to ensure that no one mistakenly takes their belongings. It's not just about retrieving a suitcase; it's about reconnecting with the tangible pieces of one's travels.

Sometimes, the wait can be anxious, especially if the luggage doesn't appear on the carousel. In such cases, the lost and found becomes a place of hope, where travelers seek their misplaced items.

But when the right tag finally comes into view, and the familiar shape of one's luggage is recognized, there's a sense of relief and satisfaction. It's the final step of the travel ritual, the confirmation that the journey has indeed come full circle.






❶ 我要到哪里取行李?Where do I pick up my baggage?

同类表达 Excuse me, where is the baggage claim area? 您好,请问行李领取处在哪儿?

这样回答 Just follow the signpost. 顺着指示牌走就是了。

❷ 这是我的行李牌。Here is my baggage tag.

❸ 从洛杉矶来的行李在哪个传送带上?Which carousel is the Chicago flight's baggage on?

同类表达 I was on the flight from Chicago. Which carousel is our baggage on?

❹ 哪里有行李推车?Where can I get a baggage cart?

同类表达 Where can I find a baggage trolley?

❺ 行李领取处没有我的行李。My baggage didn't come out of baggage claim.

同类表达 One of my suitcases didn't make it. What should I do? 我有个行李箱没到,我该怎么办?

I can't find my baggage. 我的行李不见了。

❻ 很多行李看起来都很像,所以很容易拿错。Many bags look alike so it's easy to make a mistake.

同类表达 This looks like one of my suitcases. 这个看起来像我的一个手提箱。

This one is definitely mine because it's just got my name tag on it. 这个一定是我的行李,因为上面有我的名牌。

❼ 你最好请求行李遗失申报处的帮助。You'd better ask the lost-baggage counter for help.

同类表达 I know where the lost-baggage counter is. Let's go. 我知道行李遗失申报处在哪里。我们走吧。

❽ 请问行李遗失申报处在哪里?Excuse me, where is the lost-baggage counter?

❾ 我的行李没有在我班机的传送带上。My baggage is not on the carousel for my flight.

同类表达 It's a green suitcase with wheels. 我的行李是有轮子的绿色行李箱。

Put your local address on this form, and we'll ship it when it surfaces. 把您的地址写在这张表上,我们找到后会寄给您。

❿ 如果你们没有找到我的行李该怎么办?What happens if you don't find my baggage?

这样回答 In that case the airline will reimburse you. 如果是这样的话,航空公司会对您做出赔偿。