
英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-18  



Price - 价格

Cost - 成本

Inquiry - 询问

Discount - 折扣

Affordability - 可负担性

Pricing - 定价

Budget - 预算

Value for money - 物有所值

Negotiation - 谈判

Quote - 报价

How much - 多少钱

What's the price - 价格是多少

Affordable - 负担得起的

Expensive - 昂贵的

Cheap - 便宜的


How much does this item cost?

What's the price of this product?

Is there any discount available for this item?

I'm on a tight budget. Do you have anything more affordable?

Could you give me a quote for this service?

I was wondering if the price includes tax and shipping?

I think the price is a bit high. Can we negotiate?

I'm looking for something within this budget. Can you help me find it?


English Composition:In the world of commerce, inquiring about the price of goods or services is a common practice. Whether shopping in a physical store or browsing online, customers often begin their purchasing journey by asking, "How much does this cost?" It's essential to approach this question with tact and respect for the seller's time and effort. When asking about price, it's also important to consider the value for money. A higher price doesn't always mean better quality, and a lower price doesn't always equate to poor value. It's wise to inquire about the features and benefits of a product before making a decision based on price alone. Moreover, in some cultures, it's customary to negotiate the price. This can be a delicate process that requires understanding the local customs and being respectful of the seller's position. A polite inquiry about the possibility of a discount or a better deal can sometimes yield positive results. Finally, when the price is agreed upon, it's crucial to clarify whether that price includes additional costs such as taxes and shipping fees. This ensures transparency and helps avoid any misunderstandings or surprises later on.

在商业世界中,询问商品或服务的价格是一种常见做法。无论是在实体店购物还是在线浏览,顾客通常都会以“这要多少钱?”这个问题开始他们的购买之旅。提出这个问题时,要以策略和尊重卖家的时间和精力的方式来进行。 在询问价格时,考虑物有所值也很重要。更高的价格并不总是意味着更好的质量,更低的价格也并不总是等同于价值低。在仅基于价格做出决定之前,明智的做法是询问产品的特性和好处。 此外,在某些文化中,讨价还价是习惯。这可能是一个需要理解当地习俗并尊重卖家立场的微妙过程。礼貌地询问是否有折扣或更好交易的可能性,有时可以带来积极的结果。 最后,当价格达成一致时,重要的是要澄清这个价格是否包括税费和运费等额外成本。这确保了透明度,并有助于避免以后的任何误解或意外。


❶ 多少钱?How much does it cost?

同类表达 How much for two? 买两个多少钱?

How much for a dozen? 十二个多少钱?

❷ 总共多少钱?How much are they in all?

对话 A: How much are they in all? 这些总共多少钱?

B: They are 100 yuan altogether. 一共是100元。

❸ 价格是多少?May I know the price?

对话 A: I'm interested in it. May I know the price? 我对这个感兴趣,能告诉我是多少钱吗?

B: It's 2,000 yuan . 2 000元。

A: Oh, it's so expensive! 哦,太贵了!

❹ 我该付多少钱?How much shall I pay?

对话 A: How much shall I pay? 我该付多少钱?

B: Let me see. It's 55 yuan . 我看看,55元。

❺ 价格在标签上。The price of it is marked on the price tag.

对话 A: Excuse me, how can I know the price of the skirt? 请问我怎么才能知道这条裙子的价格?

B: The price of it is marked on the price tag. 价格在标签上。

❻ 这个只要花费你五美元。It only costs you five dollars.

对话 A: How much is the pair of socks? 这双袜子多少钱?

B: It only costs you five dollars. 五美元。

❼ 那个手提箱你卖多少钱?How much do you charge for that suitcase?

❽ 原价120元,现在打九折。The original price is 120 yuan and we take 10% off for the sale.

对话 A: Can I know the price of it? 请问这个多少钱?

B: The original price is 120 yuan and we take 10% off for the sale. 原价120元,现在打九折。

❾ 很抱歉,这是非卖品。I'm sorry, but it's not for sale.

对话 A: Can I try on the glasses over there? 我能试一下那边的眼镜吗?

B: I'm sorry, but it's not for sale. 很抱歉,这是非卖品。

❿ 我接受不了这个价格。I can't accept the price.

对话 A: I can't accept the price. 我接受不了这个价格。

B: It's really too expensive. Let's look around. 确实太贵了,我们再逛逛吧。