英语笑话:Car Crash 撞车事故

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-21  

Car Crash

One day a man and a woman get in a car accident,and it’s completely the woman’s fault.The guy gets out of his car to talk to the woman.She gets out and says,“Since we’re both alive,it’s a sign from God that we’re meant to get married.”She’s very pretty,so the guy nods his head to agree with her.Then the woman takes out a bottle of wine and says,“Look,the wine bottle isn’t broken,so it is a sign from God that we have to drink it.”So she takes out the cork and hands the bottle to the man,who drinks half the bottle in a couple of gulps.Then he hands it to the woman,who puts the cork back in the bottle.The guy (slightly tipsy now) asks what she’s doing.“Waiting for the cops,”she says.




Car crash - 车祸、撞车事故

Accident - 事故

Fault - 过错、责任

Cork - 软木塞

Tipsy - 微醉的

Cops - 警察、交警(口语用法)