
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-12  



Moving house - 搬家

Packing - 打包

Unpacking - 解包

Moving truck - 搬家卡车

Moving boxes - 搬家箱

Packing tape - 封箱胶带

Bubble wrap - 气泡膜

Furniture - 家具

Relocation - 搬迁

Storage unit - 存储单元

Renting a moving van - 租用搬家车

Moving day - 搬家日

Packing supplies - 打包用品

Utility shut-off - 公用事业关闭

Forwarding address - 转寄地址

Utility reconnection - 公用事业重新连接

Temporary accommodation - 临时住所

Moving checklist - 搬家清单

Movers - 搬家工人

Moving company - 搬家公司


A: Hey, are you ready for the big move?

B: Yes, I've been packing for weeks. It's quite a task.

A: 嘿,你准备好搬家了吗?

B: 是的,我已经打包了好几周了。这是一项相当大的任务。

A: Did you hire movers or are you doing it yourself?

B: I'm doing most of it myself, but I'll hire movers for the heavy stuff.

A: 你雇了搬家工人还是自己来?

B: 我自己来大部分,但我会雇搬家工人来搬重的东西。

A: Have you notified the utility companies about your move?

B: Yes, I've scheduled the shut-off and reconnection for the new place.

A: 你通知公用事业公司你要搬家了吗?

B: 是的,我已经安排了新地方的关闭和重新连接。

A: Don't forget to update your address with the post office.

B: Absolutely, I've already filled out the change of address form.

A: 别忘了在邮局更新你的地址。

B: 当然,我已经填好了地址变更表格。


Moving to a new home is an exciting yet challenging experience. It involves a lot of planning and organization. The first step is to create a moving checklist to ensure that nothing is forgotten. This includes notifying friends, family, and relevant institutions about the change of address, as well as arranging for the transfer of utilities.


Next, I'll start packing, starting with items that are not used frequently. It's important to label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to, making unpacking easier. I'll also use bubble wrap and packing tape to protect fragile items and furniture.


On moving day, I'll ensure that the movers have all the necessary information and that they are aware of any delicate items that need special handling. Once the truck is loaded, I'll double-check that nothing has been left behind.


After settling into the new home, I'll gradually unpack and arrange my belongings. It's important to take my time and not rush the process, as this can help prevent damage to my possessions and reduce stress.


In conclusion, moving to a new home requires careful planning and patience. With the right approach, it can be a smooth and successful transition.



❶ 我计划下个月搬家。I'm planning to move next month.

对话 A: When do you plan to move into your new house? 你打算什么时候搬进新家?

B: I'm planning to move next month. 我计划下个月搬家。

❷ 我请了搬家公司来搬运家具。I asked a moving company to move my furniture.

❸ 如果你需要帮助,我随叫随到。If you need help, I'm at your order anytime.

同类表达 If you need my help, I'll be around somewhere. 如果你需要我的帮助,我随叫随到。

If there is anything that I can help, let me know. 如果有任何需要我帮忙的地方,尽管说。

❹ 我的包裹太多了,能否派一辆卡车过来?I have too many packages, so could you send a truck here?

对话 A: Good morning. May I help you? 早上好。有什么需要?

B: I have too many packages, so could you send a truck here? 我的包裹太多了,所以想问一下你们能否派一辆卡车过来?

❺ 打包真是一个体力活。Packing is a laborious job.

同类表达 I'm doing the last packing. 我在做最后的打包。

I've used up ten rolls of packing tape! 我已经用了10卷打包胶带。

❻ 这些箱子能放在地上吗?Could I put these boxes on the floor?

对话 A: Could I put these boxes on the floor? 这些箱子能放在地上吗?

B: There are fragile items in the box; please handle with care. 箱子里是易碎物品,请轻拿轻放。

❼ 恭喜你搬进新公寓。Congratulate you on moving into the new apartment.

同类表达 Your house looks marvelous. 你的房子看起来棒极了。

It's really a nice place. 这儿真是个好地方。

❽ 搬家前,我们会办一个车库售物活动。I will have a garage sale before we move.

对话 A: I will have a garage sale before we move. 搬家前,我们会办一个车库售物活动。

B: Remember to remind me. 记得提醒我。

❾ 你搬家的时候告诉我。Tell me when you move.

对话 A: Tell me when you move. I will help you. 你搬家的时候告诉我。我来帮你。

B: It's so kind of you. 你太好了。

❿ 他来帮我们搬家的。He came to help us move.