
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-20  



Post office - 邮局

Mail - 邮件

Package - 包裹

Letter - 信件

Stamp - 邮票

Envelope - 信封

Express delivery - 快递

Registered mail - 挂号信

Postage - 邮费

Postal code - 邮政编码

Mailbox - 邮箱

Drop-off box - 邮筒

Tracking number - 追踪号码

Return address - 寄件人地址

Delivery confirmation - 投递确认

Postmaster - 邮政局长

Postal worker - 邮务员

Courier - 快递员

Money order - 汇款单

Postal service - 邮政服务


A: Hi, I need to mail this package to New York, please.


B: Sure, do you want to send it by regular mail or express?


A: I need it to be there quickly, so express delivery, please.


B: Got it. How much does the package weigh?


A: It's about 2 kilograms.


B: Alright, that will be $25 for express delivery. Would you like to add insurance?


A: Yes, please add insurance for the full value of the contents.


B: Noted. Here is your receipt. Your package will arrive in New York within two days.


A: Great, thank you for your help.


B: You're welcome. Have a nice day!



❶ 我要寄挂号信。I want to register this letter.

同类表达 I want to send this letter by registered mail. 我想以挂号信的方式寄这封信。

对话 A: I want to register this letter. 我要寄挂号信。

B: Please fill in the form. 请填下这个表格。

❷ 你的包裹里有易碎物品吗?Is there anything fragile in your parcel?

同类表达 What's in the package? 包裹里是什么?

对话 A: Is there anything fragile in your parcel? 你的包裹里有易碎物品吗?

B: No, there are some books and clothes in it. 没有,里面是一些书和衣服。

❸ 你想走海运还是空运?Do you want to mail it by sea or by air?

这样回答 By airmail, please. 空运。

I want to send it by sea. 我走海运。

❹ 在哪里贴邮票呢?Where should I place the stamp?

对话 A: Where should I place the stamp? 在哪里贴邮票呢?

B: Here. 这里。

A: How many stamps should I stick on? 我应该贴几张邮票?

B: Two is OK. 两张就可以了。

❺ 我要把这个包裹寄到美国。I'd like to send this parcel to America.

同类表达 I'd like to send this package by air. 我想用航空的方式寄这个包裹。

对话 A: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 先生,早上好。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: I'd like to send this parcel to America. 我要把这个包裹寄到美国。

A: OK, how would you like it to be shipped? 好的。您想以什么方式邮寄?

B: By air. 航空邮件。

❻ 让我称一下你的包裹。Let me weigh your package.

❼ 我要以特快专递的形式寄送。I'd like to send it by express mail.

同类表达 I need this to go express mail. 我想以特快专递的形式寄送。

Can I send this EMS? 我可以用特快专递的形式寄送吗?

❽ 这个包裹需要以优先投递的方式发送。This parcel needs to go first class.

❾ 里面有什么贵重物品吗?Is there anything valuable in it?

同类表达 Does it have anything valuable inside? 里面有什么贵重物品吗?

❿ 能告诉我那里的邮编吗?Can I have the ZIP code there?

同类表达 What's the ZIP code of Chicago? 芝加哥的邮编是多少?