
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-20  



Regret - 遗憾

Missed opportunity - 错过的机会

Remorse - 懊悔

Guilt - 愧疚

Hindsight - 事后聪明

Would have, could have, should have - 本应该,本可以,本应当

Unfulfilled dreams - 未实现的梦想

Sorrow - 悲伤

What if - 要是...会怎样

Lost chances - 失去的机会

Bitterness - 痛苦

Resignation - 顺从

Repentance - 悔改

To leave something behind - 留下某事

To have no regrets - 无怨无悔


"I regret not taking the job offer when I had the chance."(我后悔当初有机会时没有接受那份工作。)


"With the benefit of hindsight, I could have made a different choice."(事后看来,我本可以做出不同的选择。)


"Missing the chance to say goodbye to my grandfather is something I will always regret."(错过了和祖父告别的机会是我永远的遗憾。)


"Regret is a painful emotion, but it can also be a powerful motivator for change."(遗憾是一种痛苦的情感,但它也可以成为改变的强大动力。)



Regret is an inevitable part of life that teaches us valuable lessons about our actions and decisions. It's a feeling that lingers, reminding us of moments we wish we could have handled differently. Whether it's a missed opportunity or a relationship left unfulfilled, the weight of regret can be heavy.

However, it's important to recognize that regret can serve as a catalyst for growth. It pushes us to reflect on our past and consider how we can make better choices in the future. Instead of being bogged down by what could have been, we can use our regrets as a guide to navigate the complexities of life.

Embracing our regrets doesn't mean dwelling on them indefinitely. It's about acknowledging our mistakes, learning from them, and moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose. In this way, regret can transform from a source of sorrow to a powerful tool for self-improvement.





❶ 很遗憾他没能通过考试。It is a pity that he failed the exam.

对话 A: Was Jack admitted to that school? 杰克被那所学校录取了吗?

B: It is a pity that he failed the exam. 很遗憾他没能通过考试。

❷ 我早该知道的。I should have known earlier.

对话 A: The two files are put into wrong portfolio. 这两个文件被放错了文件夹。

B: I'm sorry. I should have known earlier. 对不起,我早该知道的。

❸ 我们去不了真是太遗憾了。It's a shame that we can't go.

对话 A: It's a shame that we can't go. 我们去不了真是太遗憾了。

B: Yes, it's a pity. 是的,很遗憾。

❹ 我要是再努力点就好了。I wish I had studied harder.

对话 A: I wish I had studied harder. 我要是再努力点就好了。

B: It's never late to study hard. 用功学习从来都不晚。

❺ 很遗憾我错过了那次机会。I'm sorry I missed out.

同类表达 I feel a great pity that I missed the chance.

对话 A: I'm sorry I missed out. 很遗憾我错过了那次机会。

B: There will be another chance. Don't worry. 机会还会再有的,别担心。

❻ 你不能来参加聚会真是遗憾。What a pity you can't come to the party.

同类表达 The pity is that you cannot come. 可惜的是你不能来。

对话 A: What a pity you can't come to the party. 你不能来参加聚会真是遗憾。

B: I do think so. 我也这么想。

❼ 我多么希望我没有辞职!How I wish I hadn't left that job!

对话 A: How I wish I hadn't left that job! 我多么希望我没有辞职!

B: Why did you quit the job so recklessly? 你为什么这么鲁莽地辞职呢?

A: I wasn't thinking so much. 我没想那么多。

❽ 我很难过你走之前没能见你一面。I feel bad that I couldn't see you before you left.

对话 A: I feel bad that I couldn't see you before you left. 我很难过你走之前没能见你一面。

B: It's alright. There will be chances. 没事,总会有机会的。

❾ 要是我当初没那么固执就好了。If only I hadn't been so stubborn at that time.

对话 A: So do you regret quarreling with Steven? 你后悔跟史蒂文吵架吗?

B: Yeah, a little. If only I hadn't been so stubborn at that time. 有一点,要是我当初没那么固执就好了。

❿ 我必须告诉你这个坏消息。I have to tell you this bad news.