翻译辨析:是"way" 不是“路”

英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-06  


They really went out of their way to accommodate nearly everything I wanted to do.



辨 析:

"Way" 有多个意思:

  1. 路径或方向:表示去某个地方的路线或方向。 例句:Which way should we go?(我们应该走哪条路?)

  2. 方法或方式:表示进行某件事情的方式、方法或手段。 例句:There are many ways to solve this problem.(有很多种方法可以解决这个问题。)

  3. 方式或样式:表示某个行为或状态的特定方式或样式。 例句:He speaks in a very polite way.(他说话非常有礼貌。)

  4. 程度或差异:表示程度或差异的程度。 例句:She is way taller than her brother.(她比她弟弟高得多。)

  5. 大约或远:用于表示数量或距离的估计。 例句:It's way too expensive.(它太贵了。)


  1. By the way: 顺便说一下,此外 例句:By the way, have you seen John today?(顺便说一下,你今天见到约翰了吗?)

  2. In a way: 在某种程度上,在某种意义上 例句:In a way, I can understand why she did it.(在某种程度上,我可以理解她为什么这样做。)

  3. No way: 绝不可能,没门 例句:No way am I going to do that!(绝不可能,我不会这么做!)

  4. Out of the way: 完成,处理完毕 例句:I'm glad we got that issue out of the way.(我很高兴我们解决了那个问题。)

  5. Make way (for someone/something): 给予通行权,让路 例句:Please make way for the ambulance.(请给救护车让路。)

  6. Go out of one's way: 尽力帮助,特意做某事 例句:He went out of his way to help me with my project.(他特意帮助我完成项目。)

  7. The long way around: 绕远路 例句:We took the long way around to avoid the traffic.(我们绕了一个远路以避开交通拥堵。)

  8. By way of: 经由,通过 例句:We'll go to the park by way of the forest.(我们将经由森林去公园。)

"go out of one's/the way (to do something)" 是一个常见的短语,它有以下几个常见的意思:

  1. 特意做某事:表示某人为了帮助或满足他人的需求,主动付出额外的努力或采取特殊行动。 例句:She went out of her way to make sure everyone felt welcome at the party.(她特意努力确保每个人在派对上都感到受欢迎。)

  2. 不辞辛苦地做某事:表示某人在完成任务或实现目标时,不惜付出额外的时间、精力或资源。 例句:He went out of his way to meet the deadline for the project.(他不辞辛苦地赶在项目截止日期前完成。)

  3. 主动迁就或让步:表示某人为了满足他人的要求或期望,愿意主动让步或迁就。 例句:The company went out of its way to accommodate the needs of its employees.(公司主动迁就员工的需求。)


在特定的上下文中,"go out of one's/the way (to do something)" 这个短语可能会被用于描述某人过度努力地向别人施加压力或提出不合理的要求,以至于给别人带来困扰或不便。这种情况下,可以将其解释为“过分地去做某事”或“过度迁就”

例如,如果某人故意利用他们的权力或地位来刁难、欺负他人,这与正常的“go out of one's/the way (to do something)”的含义是相悖的,因为它背离了原始的善意和努力的含义。在这种情况下,可以说这个人“went out of their way to cause trouble”(故意刁难)或“went out of their way to make things difficult”(故意创造困难)。