
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-29  



Recommend - 推荐

Suggest - 建议

Endorse - 背书,支持

Advocate for - 提倡,拥护

Vouch for - 保证,为...作保

Prefer - 更喜欢

Top choice - 最佳选择

Best bet - 最佳赌注,最佳选择

Go-to option - 首选选项

Stand out - 突出,显眼

Highly recommend - 强烈推荐

Can't go wrong with - 选择...不会出错

A must-try - 必须尝试的

The cream of the crop - 最优秀的一批

A cut above - 优于,胜过


I highly recommend this book; it's a real page-turner. - 我非常推荐这本书;它是一本真正的翻页书。

Have you tried the new coffee shop downtown? It's my go-to place for a morning pick-me-up. - 你试过市中心新开的咖啡店吗?它是我早上提神的首选地。

If you're looking for a relaxing vacation spot, I suggest the beaches in Hawaii. - 如果你正在寻找一个轻松的度假地点,我建议去夏威夷的海滩。

This model of laptop is highly recommended for its durability and performance. - 这款笔记本电脑因其耐用性和性能而受到高度推荐。

The restaurant downtown stands out for its unique fusion cuisine. - 市中心的那家餐厅因其独特的融合菜肴而脱颖而出。

For a family-friendly activity, I can't think of a better option than the local science museum. - 对于一个适合家庭的活动,我想不出比当地科学博物馆更好的选择。

You should vouch for this product; it has significantly improved my productivity. - 你应该为这个产品作保;它显著提高了我的生产力。

A must-try dish at this restaurant is the chef's special seafood platter. - 在这家餐厅必须尝试的菜肴是厨师特制的海鲜拼盘。


In today's fast-paced world, making choices can be overwhelming. Whether it's deciding on a new gadget, finding a good book to read, or selecting a restaurant for a special occasion, recommendations can be a great help.


Recommendations not only save time but also provide a sense of assurance that the choice made is reliable and trustworthy. A good recommendation comes from experience and knowledge, which is why we often turn to experts, friends, or online reviews for advice.


For instance, when it comes to technology, one might look for a smartphone that offers both performance and value for money. A friend who has researched and used various brands could suggest a model that stands out for its features and user experience.


In the realm of literature, a book recommendation can lead to a delightful reading experience. A colleague who shares similar tastes in books might recommend a novel that captivates and inspires.


Ultimately, recommendations help us navigate through the vast array of options and make informed decisions. They are a testament to shared experiences and the wisdom of the community.



❶ 我强力推荐这道菜。I strongly recommend this dish.

对话 A: What about this dish? 这道菜怎么样?

B: I strongly recommend this dish. It's our specialty. 我强力推荐这道菜。这是我们的招牌菜。

A: I order one, please. 请给我一份这个。

❷ 有什么推荐的菜吗?What's your recommendation?

同类表达 Which dish do you recommend in the menu? 菜单里的菜你推荐哪一道?

对话 A: What's your recommendation? 有什么推荐的菜吗?

B: The beef is my recommendation. 我推荐牛肉。

❸ 您想尝尝我们的新菜吗?Would you like to try our new dish?

❹ 你们这儿有当地的特色菜吗?Do you have any local specialties?

同类表达 I'd like to have some local specialties. 我想吃一些当地的特色菜。

对话 A: Do you have any local specialties? 你们这儿有当地的特色菜?

B: The flavor of our restaurant is Sichuan cuisine. 我们是四川风味的餐馆。

❺ 您平时都吃什么?What do you usually have?

对话 A: What do you usually have? 您平时都吃什么?

B: My basic staple food is rice, so I order rice. 我的基本主食是米饭,所以我点米饭。

❻ 你喜欢吃辣的吗?How do you like spicy flavor?

对话 A: How do you like spicy flavor? 你喜欢吃辣的吗?

B: I'm not too fond of it. 我不怎么喜欢。

❼ 你们饭店的招牌菜是什么?What's the specialty of your restaurant?

对话 A: What's the specialty of your restaurant? 你们饭店的招牌菜是什么?

B: Fish filets in hot chili oil. 水煮鱼。

❽ 我推荐羊排。I would recommend lamb chops.

对话 A: Do you have any local specialties? 你们这儿有什么当地的特色菜吗?

B: I would recommend lamb chops. 我推荐羊排。

A: I don't prefer it. 我不太喜欢。

❾ 我们有各种主菜。We have all kinds of main dishes.

对话 A: What main dishes do you have? 你们有什么主菜?

B: We have all kinds of main dishes. 我们有各种主菜。

❿ 这道配菜是免费的。The side dish is on the house.

对话 A: How much is it? 这个多少钱?

B: The side dish is on the house. 这道配菜是免费的。