鸳鸯 Mandarin Ducks

英语作文    发布时间:2023-09-01  

鸳鸯 Mandarin Ducks

Mandarin Ducks live mainly in China, Japan, and Korea. Many years ago, they were introduced into Britain and many other countries. They live in marshes , streams , and pools in wooded areas. Males and females are different in appearance . The male has a colorful appearance. But female mandarin ducks are quite like common gray ducks. Mandarin ducks like eating seeds, grains and wetland plants. They also like snails, insects and small fish. Pairs of mandarin ducks tend to stay together year after year. So in traditional Chinese culture, mandarin ducks are regarded as a symbol of love. Mandarin ducks are not hunted for food because they taste bad. This helps them survive and live prosperously .

New Words and Expressions(生词和短语)

-mainly ['meɪnli ] adv. 主要地,大体上

-marsh [mɑ:ʃ ] n. 沼泽;湿地

-stream [stri:m ] n. 溪流

-appearance [ə'pɪərəns ] n. 外貌,外观

-common ['kɒmən ] adj. 常见的,普通的

-wetland ['wetlənd ] n. 湿地

-prosperously ['prɒspərəsli ] adv. 繁荣地

be introduced into 被引进,被引入

Sentence Patterns(句型练习)

1. Pairs of mandarin ducks tend to stay together year after year.


People tend to go to bed early in winter. 人们在冬天往往会早睡。

Many people tend to believe what Sam tells them.


2. Mandarin ducks are regarded as a symbol of love. 鸳鸯被视为爱情的象征。

He is regarded as the best student in his class. 他被视为班上最优秀的学生。

He is regarded as the most suitable person for the job.



