英语笑话:Ignorance is No Disgrace 无知者无罪

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-20  

Ignorance is No Disgrace

The little brother of an Army radar operator asked,“Jim,tell me how does a radar work?”

“The radar transmitter emits brief impulses of electromagnetic waves which are reflected from the target and received by a special receiver.Since the speed at which electromagnetic waves propagate is exactly known and the time they take to travel to the target and back can be determined with a great degree of accuracy,it is possible to determine the range to the target as well as the direction to it.”

His brother pondered a moment,then said,“As long as you don’t know,Jim,why don’t you just say so?”






  1. Ignorance - 无知

    • 对某事缺乏知识或信息的状态。

  2. Disgrace - 耻辱

    • 因某种行为或情况而失去名誉或尊严。

  3. Radar - 雷达

    • 一种用于检测物体位置和距离的系统,利用电磁波。

  4. Operator - 操作员

    • 负责操作设备或系统的人。

  5. Transmitter - 发射器

    • 发送信号或数据的设备。

  6. Emits - 发射

    • 释放或发送(如光、声音或电磁波)。

  7. Impulses - 脉冲

    • 短暂的强烈信号或波动。

  8. Electromagnetic waves - 电磁波

    • 包括光波、无线电波等的波动形式,在空间中传播的能量。

  9. Reflected - 反射

    • 光、声或其他波遇到障碍物后改变方向的过程。

  10. Receiver - 接收器

    • 用于接收信号的设备。

  11. Propagate - 传播

    • 使波动或信号在空间中传送。

  12. Range - 距离

    • 从一个点到另一个点的测量。

  13. Direction - 方向

    • 指向某一点或目的地的方位。

  14. Pondered - 思考

    • 深入考虑或仔细思索。

  15. Accuracy - 准确性

    • 测量或描述的精确程度。