
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-20  

在学习英语语法时,定语从句是一个重要的组成部分。定语从句用来修饰名词,提供关于该名词的更多信息。理解如何使用关系代词来引导定语从句,对于提高英语表达能力至关重要。关系代词如who, whom, whose, that 和 which 不仅代表前面的名词,还将从句与其修饰的词连接起来,同时在从句中担任不同的语法角色。这些关系代词的使用规则涉及到主语、宾语和介词宾语等不同情况。


I met someone who said he knew you.



关系代词 who 代表 someone,又引导从句修饰它,同时又在从句中担任主语。关系代词 who, whom, whose, that和 which可以用来引导定语从句,这类代词都起着三重作用,一是代表前面的名词,二是把从句和它所修饰的词连接起来,三是在从句里也担任一个成分。who 和 whom 都代表人,who 在从句中作主语,whom在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。whose在从句中可以作定语。that可以代表人或物,which 只能代表物在从句中可充当主语、宾语或介词宾语等。


(1) The noise that she made woke everybody up.


语法分析:that 代表 noise,又引导从句修饰它,在从句中担任 made 的宾语。

(2) She saw something in the paper which might interest you.


语法分析:which 代表 something, 又引导从句修饰它,在从句中担任主语。

(3) The girl with whom I was travlling didn't speak English.


语法分析:whom 代表人,在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。

(4) I saw a film whose name I have forgotten.

我看了一部电影, 名字却忘了。

语法分析:whose 有时指无生命的东西。

(5) Who's the man (that) you were talking to?



(6) The situation in which she found herself was very difficult.




1. The man _____ robbed her has been arrested.

2. The man _____ I saw told me to come back tomorrow.

3. I know a girl _____ mother is an acrobat.

4. He _____ would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

5. The dog _____ was lost has been found.

6. She invited us to dinner, ______ was very kind of her.

7. My dog, ______ temper is very uncertain, often bites judges at dog show.

8. The man from ______ I brought it told me to read me instructions.


1. who 2. whom 3. whose 4. that 5. which 6. which 7. whose 8. whom