
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-20  

托运行李(Checked Luggage)指的是在乘坐航班时,旅客将行李交给航空公司办理的过程。这些行李被放置在飞机的货舱中,在飞行过程中由航空公司负责管理和运送。托运行李通常包括较大、较重或不方便携带的物品,比如大型行李箱、运动器材和液体等。旅客在办理登机手续时将这些行李交给航空公司,并在登机时获得行李托运标签。到达目的地后,旅客可以在机场的行李提取处领取自己的托运行李。


Checked Luggage / Checked Baggage:托运行李

Baggage Claim:行李领取处

Baggage Drop:行李托运服务点



Excess Baggage:超额行李

Handle with Care:请小心轻放

Lost Luggage:丢失的行李

Damaged Luggage:损坏的行李

Carry-on Bag:随身行李


Checked luggage is an essential part of air travel, allowing passengers to bring more items than they could carry on board. When you check in your luggage, it is tagged with a unique identifier and placed in the cargo hold of the aircraft. This process ensures that larger or heavier items, such as suitcases, sporting equipment, and liquids, are transported safely and efficiently.

Checking in luggage typically occurs at the airline counter or self-service kiosks before proceeding to security and boarding. Passengers receive a claim ticket that must be presented at baggage claim upon arrival at their destination. This system provides convenience and helps streamline the travel experience, allowing passengers to travel lighter and more comfortably in the cabin.

However, it's important to be aware of luggage weight limits and restrictions to avoid extra fees or complications. Additionally, in case of lost or damaged luggage, airlines have procedures to address these issues and assist passengers in recovering their belongings.

Overall, checked luggage plays a crucial role in modern air travel, making long journeys more manageable and comfortable.






❶ 请把行李放在磅秤上。Put your baggage on the scale, please.

对话 A: I have some baggage to check in. 我有一些行李要托运。

B: Put your baggage on the scale, please. 请把行李放在磅秤上。

❷ 您的行李超重两公斤。Your baggage is two kilograms overweight.

同类表达 Your baggage is overweight by three kilograms. 您的行李超重三公斤。

You should pay extra money for overweight baggage. 您应该为超重的行李付额外的费用。

The weight limit for baggage is thirty kilos. 你可以携带30公斤的行李。

❸ 您必须拿掉一些小东西。You have to remove a few small items.

对话 A: Your baggage is overweight. You have to remove a few small items. 您的行李超重了,您必须拿掉一些小东西。

B: OK. I'll put the excess in a small tote bag. 好的,我会把多出来的东西放进较小的手提袋。

❹ 允许随身带多少行李?How many carry-on bags can I have?

同类表达 What's the baggage allowance? 可以带多少免费行李?

How many pieces of baggage can be carried on board? 可以携带几件行李上机?

❺ 您可以随身携带两件行李。You can have two carry-on bags.

同类表达 It's OK to take two small bags on the plane. 可以携带两小包行李上飞机。

You can bring two pieces of baggage on board. 您可以带两件行李上机。

❻ 您这件行李必须托运。You need to check this bag.

对话 A: You need to check this bag. 您这件行李必须托运。

B: But there are breakable objects in my baggage. 但是我的行李中有易碎品。

❼ 您必须在报关单上填上所有的东西。Everything needs to be included on the customs declaration.

同类表达 Please make sure there are no dangerous objects in your baggage. 请确认您的行李中没有危险品。

❽ 请填写这些行李牌。Please fill out these baggage tags.

同类表达 This is in case your bags are lost. 这样做是以防您的行李丢失。

❾ 这是您的行李领取收据。This is your baggage claim receipt attached to your baggage.