
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-31  



1. Argument - 争论,争吵

- Example: We had a heated argument about politics.


2. Quarrel - 争吵,口角

- Example: The siblings had a quarrel over who got the bigger piece of cake.


3. Dispute - 争议,争端

- Example: There was a dispute between the neighbors about the property line.


4. Bicker - 小吵,斗嘴

- Example: The couple bickered constantly, but they always made up by the end of the day.


5. Fall out - 小争吵

- Example: They fell out over a misunderstanding.


6. Squabble - 吵闹,争吵

- Example: The children squabbled over the remote control.


7. Wrangle - 激烈争吵

- Example: The two parties wrangled over the terms of the contract.


8. Brawl - 打斗,斗殴

- Example: The brawl in the bar ended with the police being called.



A: I can't believe we're arguing about this again.


B: I just think it's important that we discuss our differences.


A: But we've been over this so many times. Can't we just agree to disagree?


B: I guess so. Let's try to find a compromise.



The Importance of Resolving Arguments

In life, it's inevitable to have disagreements with others. Arguments can arise from misunderstandings, different opinions, or even just a bad day. However, the key to maintaining healthy relationships is learning how to resolve these conflicts effectively.

One day, I had a heated argument with my best friend over a trivial matter. We both felt strongly about our views and neither of us was willing to back down. The argument escalated, and for a while, it seemed like our friendship was at risk.

After some time, we both realized that our stubbornness was causing more harm than good. We decided to sit down and calmly discuss the issue. By listening to each other's perspectives and expressing our feelings, we were able to understand where the other was coming from. In the end, we found a solution that satisfied both parties.

This experience taught me that arguments can be a learning opportunity. They can help us grow as individuals and strengthen our relationships if handled with care. It's important to approach disagreements with an open mind and a willingness to compromise. Remember, it's not about winning or losing, but about finding common ground and maintaining respect for one another.






❶ 胆小鬼!You coward!

对话 A: That man is sitting in my spot. But I don't dare to ask him to leave. 那个男人占了我的座位,但是我不敢叫他离开。

B: You coward! Watch me. 胆小鬼!看我的。

❷ 够了!Enough is enough!

同类表达 I've had enough of you. 我受够你了。

对话 A: I don't want to give you a hard time, but you should wear my shoes. 我不想让你为难,但是你该替我想想。

B: Enough is enough! 够了!

❸ 别和我顶嘴!Don't talk back to me!

对话 A: I don't agree with you, mom. 妈妈,我不同意。

B: Don't talk back to me! 别和我顶嘴!

❹ 闭嘴!Shut up!

同类表达 Hold your tongue.

Be quiet!

❺ 你敢!How dare you!

对话 A: How dare you! 你敢!

B: I didn't. You make me! 我原本是不敢,是你逼我的。

❻ 省省吧!Cut it out!

同类表达 Save it!

Save your breath.

❼ 让我独自待会儿!Leave me alone!

同类表达 Set off my back! 别烦我!

对话 A: Stop nagging. Leave me alone! 别再唠叨了。让我独自待会儿!

B: I just worry about you. 我只是担心你。

❽ 你自找的!You asked for it!

对话 A: My head hurts badly. I think I drank too much yesterday. 我头很疼。我想是昨天酒喝多了。

B: You asked for it! 你自找的!

❾ 我又不是不懂。I wasn't born yesterday.

对话 A: Stop gabbing. I wasn't born yesterday. 别唠叨了。我又不是不懂。

B: I just told you what I would do. 我只是告诉你我会怎样做。

❿ 别把我当傻瓜!You can't make me look stupid!

同类表达 Don't think you can make a fool out of me!

Don't try to make me look foolish!