- 如果在某个情景中我们不知道自身应该怎样做,最容易找到答案的方法是找到一个有道德的人,并询问她在同样地情景中会怎样做。
- If we ever wonder what we should do in a certain situation , then finding the answer is as easy as finding a virtuous person and asking her what she would do .
- 他们认为这是一项有道德,需要来回磨合但是却人筋疲力尽的事情;但是当这项工作实施的时候,确实很难看到有任何成效的。
- They feel virtuous , take for ever and entail back-breaking work ; but , when done , it is often hard to see any difference .
- 除了自1992年颁布由最具资格的王子向规则(阿拉伯的一个条款可能意味着最有道德或最有能力)倾斜,有了已确立的指导方针。
- Aside from the 1992 royal decree tipping the " best qualified " prince to rule ( a term that in arabic can mean either the most virtuous or the most capable ) , there are some established guidelines .
- 在某些方面,德州对于效率的关注已取得了有价值的结果。
- In some cases , the texas emphasis on efficiency has yielded worthy results .
- 经济学或许有价值,但它一定是枯燥乏味的。
- Economics was perhaps worthy , certainly boring .
- 那些寻找有价值项目的潜在赞助商几乎赞助了所有的竞赛。
- Potential underwriters who are trolling for worthy projects sponsor almost all of the competitions .
- 美国有能力用美元标价来借钱。
- America has been able to borrow in dollars .
- 独立自主又能对自己的行为负责。
- Able to separate true love from transitory infatuation .
- 有能力控制好自己的猜忌与嫉妒。
- Able to manage personal jealousy and feelings of envy .