If we ever wonder what we should do in a certain situation , then finding the answer is as easy as finding a virtuous person and asking her what she would do .
Aside from the 1992 royal decree tipping the " best qualified " prince to rule ( a term that in arabic can mean either the most virtuous or the most capable ) , there are some established guidelines .
Socrates and plato suggested that if we tried hard enough we should find beliefs which everybody found intuitively plausible , and that among these would be moral beliefs whose implications , when clearly realized , would make us virtuous as well as knowledgeable .
Why , they ask themselves , should their virtuous people suffer because their customers have let themselves go so broke ?
Its emperor ruled through righteous example ; by showing himself to be above corruption , he assured a virtuous administration and a peaceful empire .
On those last pages , within which he stopped believing in his fantasy world , in his kingdom of virtuous knights and epic battles , and he died .
He added : " to help european construction evolve in a way that unites , not divides , we cannot afford that the crisis in the eurozone brings us ...... the risk of conflicts between the virtuous north and an allegedly vicious south . "
But even if mr obama is right that the republicans are just the undeserving beneficiaries of the general discontent , they saw sooner than he did the welling public rage at the spectacle of bankers and borrowers receiving bail-outs while the virtuous paid the bills .