- 没什么像一首好的乡村民谣那样能抒发不求回报的爱了。
- Nothing like a good old country ballad about unrequited love to get some catharsis .
- 这首歌不属于米克爵士的惯常风格,但他的这首歌谣是献给今年达沃斯头号政治明星的最佳歌谣。
- She is not his usual type , but sir mick has the perfect ballad for the top political star of this year 's davos .
- 日航管理层可能不想让这首大气,带有明显喘息声的歌谣成为新的战斗口号吧。?
- Jal management might want to turn the big , breathy ballad into their new rallying cry .
- 他把这个消息当做谣言而不予考虑。
- He dismissed the story as a rumour .
- 有传言称这是因为他要取代潘帕德里欧的位子。
- Rumour has it that he is positioning himself to take over from mr papandreou .
- 自去年夏季贝尔斯登出现问题后,上述传言便经常在市场上出现。
- The rumour has circulated regularly since bear ran into trouble last summer .
- 最流行的记录去年的形式之一就是写日记,通常是以韵文的方式。
- One of the most popular formats for chronicling the past year are youmiyat ( diaries ) , often written in rhyme .
- 手术后前三个月,他只能说些押韵的词,在那之后,他的脑子里无休止地出现图像“幻灯片”。
- For the first three months after his surgery he was only able to speak in weird rhyme and after that passed he experienced a never-ending " slideshow " of images in his brain .
- 说一个押韵的词他们都是非常好
- Say a rhyme they are all very good