- 债务积累导致lionel的工作没有善终,他经常因为敲诈勒索和入室盗窃而进监狱。
- Lionel works in " the very hairiest end of debt collection " and goes to jail regularly for extortion and burglary .
- 在曼哈顿灰色的法院里类似收账这类事件占到了工作的大多数,但办公人员们说他们知道有很多变性人姓名改变案例。
- At the gray manhattan courthouse , where matters like debt collection are the bulk of the work , officials said they were aware of numerous transgender name-change cases .
- 美国女演员黛米摩尔曾就职于一家讨债公司。
- American actress demi moore worked for a debt collection agency .