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purposive 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The study adopts the qualitative research method of purposive sampling while conducting the interviews , aiming at two respective subjects of junior high school deans of students , and full-time teachers to conduct in-depth interviews .
The participants of fuzzy delphi analysis were selected by purposive sampling method which consisted of 20 members whom are educational experts , staffs from educational administrative agencies and elementary and junior high schools .
The central doctrine of hegel 's philosophy is the idea of purposive evolution .
True illegal purpose crime ; hidden loophole ; purposive limiting .
The unintended consequences of purposive action : the policy analysis of the transformation reform of the state-run middle and primary schools in china .
The researcher applied purposive sampling method to recruit 387 ( effect sample ) elders over 65 years old from three northern taiwan districts ( keelung , taipei , taipei county ) .
The decisive factor in the amenability of the american constitution to routine judicial implementation was marshall 's single-minded purposive skill , one that , when fully understood , gives new meaning to the " statesmanlike deviousness " attributed to him by alexander bickel .
The research method of the study is empirical survey , which used purposive sampling to select 281 parents from registered infant care centers in taipei as the research object . 212 Valid questionnaires were recovered , and the rate of recovery was 75.4 percent .
Economic evolution and biological evolution are different : the fact that human beings can plan and adapt makes economic evolution faster and more purposive than biological evolution .
Instead of seeding more startups taking a 20th century approach to business as usual , can you seed newer , better , more purposive , more valuable kinds of companies - and then do the same for funds , returns , and ipos ?