- 直到2003年那个超大船舵的发现才让我有继续调查的动力,当时我正为魏斐德十年以前发表的一篇学术论文而困惑不已。
- Only the evidence of that gargantuan rudder kept me going until 2003 when I stumbled onto an academic paper delivered a decade earlier by fred wakeman .
- 当小条向左或右滑时,偏航阻尼器需要增加向右或左打舵来消除偏航移动。
- When the bar slides left or right , the yaw dampener needs to add right or left rudder to the turn to smooth it out .
- 这些航海装置密切注视诸如舵的运动、偏航角度、风速和帆上承受的张力等数据。
- These marine systems keep an eye on things such as rudder movements , yaw angles , wind speed and the strain the sails are taking .
- 在支持工商业的中间派领导下,部分贝卢斯科尼的支持者可能会加入进来。
- With a pro-business centrist at the helm , some of mr berlusconi 's supporters might join up .
- 对新闻集团这个媒体帝国来说,由默克多的子女来掌舵并不是什么新鲜事。
- The news corp media empire is no stranger to seeing murdoch children at the helm .
- 他们会逃到圣盔谷.
- They will flee to helm 's deep .
- 此项技术可为汽轮机叶片安装轮缘的设计和安全性分析提供可靠依据。
- Tnis measure method supplies reliable data for security analysis and designing installed flange of steam turbine 's vane .
- 奶奶耐心地向我解释过天气风向标的功能,它挂在墙上,用以预测未来的天气。
- Granny took the time to explain the function of her weather vane , hanging on the wall , which predicted the upcoming weather .
- 通过旋转调节环从而旋转叶片来获得可变的叶片间隙。
- The variable vane gap is achieved by turning the adjusting ring and thus turning the vanes .
- 一对船舵负责掌握方向,还有活动船板和2个船桨。
- Twin rudders provided the steering , along with centerboards and two oars .
- 后来这一创新使欧洲鱼雷艇可以在高速(约30海里)航行的情况下还得以使用船舵。
- This innovation finally enabled european torpedo boats to use their rudders while traveling at high speed ( about 30 knots ) .
- 1.6亿人,现已在全球经济中工作的只有一个国家是船舵太大而不能倒闭。
- A country of 1.6 billion people that is now one of the only rudders working in the global economy is too big to fail .
- 然后,他看见一条鲨鱼在水面转圈圈,但没有看到另一条鲨鱼的鳍。
- Then he saw one on the surface swimming in circles . He did not see the fin of the other .
- 帆船有许多种不同类型的固定龙骨,例如全龙骨(见上图)及鳍板。
- Sailboats have many different types of fixed keels , such as full keels ( see photo ) and fin keels .
- 他和他的同事已经在从事新的实验,这项实验用了不同形状的橡胶鱼鳍,以在水中制造出不同的搅动痕迹。
- He and his colleagues have already embarked on experiments using different shapes of fin to create different water disturbances .