pos 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Unlike typical pos machines that u.s. consumers might encounter at the local supermarket , agbank 's machines aren 't limited to making one-way payments .
- 与美国消费者在当地超市看到的一般pos机不同,农业银行的这个设备不仅限于单向支付。
- Ductibility : it can solve the unlimited distribution question because of the pos cost and can constantly add according to the add of the platform , reducing the cost of the clients .
- 延展性:解决pos机因成本原因不能无限分布的问题,可根据座席的增加而无限增加,降低商家投入成本。
- Analyzes pos reports for market intelligence .
- 向市场部门提供定单分析报告。
- Then , could you ask him to call me as soon as pos sible ?
- 那么,就请你叫他尽快回我电话好吗?
- The man quit his job for a better pos , non .
- 那人辞去了工作另谋高就。
- Coordinate and consolidate three regions dealer ips analysis report and pos opening tra .
- 协调三区经销商进销存情况及开店计划,更新并完成分析报告。
- Study on auto-proofreading method for pos tagging of chinese corpus .
- 汉语语料库词性标注自动校对方法研究。
- School water pos reader procedures , simple and efficient .
- 学校水POS读卡程序,简单高效.
- Inspection 's pos and we 're clear for up-thrust .
- 检查通过,我们可以升空了。
- So where 's your pos gonna sleep ?
- 那你爷爷睡哪里?