
rudders 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Twin rudders provided the steering , along with centerboards and two oars .
- 一对船舵负责掌握方向,还有活动船板和2个船桨。
- This innovation finally enabled european torpedo boats to use their rudders while traveling at high speed ( about 30 knots ) .
- 后来这一创新使欧洲鱼雷艇可以在高速(约30海里)航行的情况下还得以使用船舵。
- A country of 1.6 billion people that is now one of the only rudders working in the global economy is too big to fail .
- 1.6亿人,现已在全球经济中工作的只有一个国家是船舵太大而不能倒闭。
- Rudders and engine-driven propellers moved zeppelins through the air , much as they propel a ship through the seas , with the fastest of them traveling at speeds of up to 90 mph .
- 方向舵和发动机驱动的螺旋桨使飞艇在空气中移动,很像他们驱使一艘船在海中航行,最快速度高达90英里每小时。