- 看到马萨如此生动地谈论事情,看到他在重新进入圣保罗医院之前看上去如此坚强,真有一种令人惊讶而眩晕的感觉。
- It is an almost giddy experience to hear massa talking so vividly , to see him looking so strong just days before he re-enters hospital in so paulo .
- 我对着自己的笔迹皱眉头,对着那些我都不记得是自己写的文字皱眉头,对我们不和的新罪行感到头晕和愚蠢。
- I frown at my own handwriting , at the words I don 't remember writing , giddy and stupid with the fresh enormity of our split .
- 而处于社会边缘的人(失业的剧作家和电工)走上了令人眩晕的高位。
- People from the fringes of society ( unemployed playwrights and electricians ) rose to giddy heights .
- 张晓刚心脏问题的最初征兆出现在2003年,当时他去看望了父母回来,头晕了一个星期。
- The first sign of heart trouble hit in 2003 , when he returned from visiting his parents and felt dizzy for a week .
- 前者也可用作镇静剂,所以对他们行为的一种解释是,二乙醚的蒸汽让他们头晕目眩,进而觉得把它们倒进下水道比较好。
- The former is also used as a sedative , so one explanation for their actions is that they felt dizzy from the ether vapors and thought it was a good idea to pour them in the sewer .
- 金说每天他们都强制她吐下三片药丸,然后给她注射,让她头晕目眩,无法行走,然后把她绑在床上,打她。
- Ms. jin said she was forced to swallow three pills a day , given injections that made her so dizzy she could barely walk , tied to her bed and beaten .
- 在演讲台上,佩林的魅力令人目眩。
- On stage , palin dazzled with charisma .
- 他仍会为金钱利润而目眩,但是也会对过度杠杆效应的危险给予警告。
- He is still dazzled by lucre , but also determined to give warning of the dangers of excessive leverage .
- 在智力竞赛节目《危险边缘》中,ibm的超级计算机“沃森”遏制了人类挑战,令观众感到目眩。
- Watson , the ibm supercomputer which dazzled audiences in throttling human competition on the game show " jeopardy ! "
- richardfuld,雷曼兄弟的首席执行官,之后告诉国会,他对于美国政府保住贝尔斯登和aig却没有出手拯救雷曼感到困惑。
- Richard fuld , chief executive , later told congress he was bewildered the us government had not saved the bank when it had helped secure bear stearns and the insurer aig .
- 当数万名twitter用户将斯旺西联排屋尽头的一座房子和希特勒的脸作比较时,房子的主人感到很困惑。
- The elderly owner of an end-of-terrace house in swansea was left bewildered when hundreds of thousands of twitter users compared his house to hitler 's face .
- 虽然正在努力搜集证据,但并没有出现奇迹,女性感到困惑并且无能为力。
- But it comes as no surprise that , while trying to find justice , abused women are left feeling bewildered or powerless .
- 但倘若金钱是唯一考虑因素的话,许博士可能不会在这里。
- But were money the only issue , dr. xu might not be here .
- 许博士说,这里是他的两大实验老鼠生产基地。
- And here , dr. xu said , are his two homes for lab rats .
- 同时,许博士也在自己的职权之内,监督了令人印象深刻的新技术的开发。
- At the same time , dr. xu has overseen the development of impressive new technology in its own right .
- 我打翻了一个装满大头钉的瓶子,但当我要把它们拣起来时,我承受不住眩晕,不得不离开。
- I knocked over a jar full of tacks but when I went to pick them up I was overcome with vertigo and I had to leave .
- 一位分析师得了眩晕症,这种疾病通常只有老年人才会得
- An analyst was diagnosed with vertigo , a disease usually only the elderly get
- 医生花了很长时间帮他检查,最后诊断他是因为压力过大得了眩晕症,
- It took them a long time , but eventually doctors diagnosed him with vertigo due to high stress .