- 这是因为阳光在日出和日落时的较长运行路径会有效地散射出波长较短的颜色。
- This is because the greater path length of sunlight at sunrise and sunset effectively scatters out the shorter wavelength colors .
- 因为粒子的颗粒比光的波长还短,他们对光的吸收与坚硬的金属表面相比有很大不同。
- Being smaller than the wavelength of light , they absorb light in a different way from a solid surface .
- 现有的超宽频雷达为避免干扰,典型的方法是使用一个不规则声波发生器来规避和它波长相同的声波。
- Existing uwb radars typically use a random noise signal to avoid interference between waves of the same wavelength .
- 只有特殊波长和偏振态的光才能在斯莫连尼诺乌的时空模型中工作。
- Only light with specific wavelengths and polarizations can work in smolyaninov 's space-time model .
- 上面三幅图都有近红外、红色、绿色波长的光。
- All three images include a combination of near-infrared , red , and green wavelengths .
- 但鲨鱼缺少圆状细胞,这种细胞可以对不同波长的光线分别作出反应。
- Yet the sharks lacked cone cells , which respond individually to light at specific wavelengths .
- 在一个函数调用的参数表内出现的方括弧构造,以之标示出一个lambda表达式的存在。
- The construct inside a function call 's argument list indicates the beginning of a lambda expression .
- 这和其它语言中的lambda表达式或类似结构相似。
- This is similar to a lambda and similar constructs used in many other languages .
- lambda函数移除了对这些搭架子代码的需求,并允许在另外的一个声明中定义一个谓词函数。
- Lambda functions remove all the need for the scaffolding code , and allow a predicate function to be defined in-line in another statement .