The construct inside a function call 's argument list indicates the beginning of a lambda expression .
This is similar to a lambda and similar constructs used in many other languages .
Lambda functions remove all the need for the scaffolding code , and allow a predicate function to be defined in-line in another statement .
If capture of mutable locals were allowed , the platform would need to extend the local variable 's lifetime for as long as the dynamic lifetime of any lambda expression that captures it .
The final part of the lambda is the function body , which in this case simply adds the value of the x parameter to the total variable .
So instead of function types , lambda expressions in java se 8 will bring along a different friend , sam conversion .
If a pattern matching fails in a lambda , a runtime error occurs , so be careful when pattern matching in lambdas !
Because the lambda expression has the right argument and return types , the compiler verifies that it can be converted into a comparator and generates the appropriate code for doing so . This is called sam conversion .